The Psychology Behind Oz’s Homegrown Terrorists
"Are People Born Wicked? Or Do They Have Wickedness Thrust Upon Them?" Glinda, Wicked The Wicked movie is based on...
"Are People Born Wicked? Or Do They Have Wickedness Thrust Upon Them?" Glinda, Wicked The Wicked movie is based on...
In this satirical Report, Richard delivers a message on behalf of the World Economic Forum to useless eaters, they are...
“Nihilism is a natural consequence of a culture (or civilization) ruled and regulated by categories that mask manipulation, mastery and...
Totalitarianism is great isn't it? You have loved the freedoms the government has taken away from you so far during...
The following may be satire or a prediction Australia is a huge country and now the world's largest prison. The...
In this Parody Report, Richard explains that he is actually controlled opposition from the World Economic Forum and the New...
A message from the Australian government and our partners: The World Health Organisation, the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum. ...
EDITOR'S NOTE: All of what is written below is satire. But with all satire written about the current political climate,...
PLEASE NOTE: This article is a fictional satire and uses sarcasm. Like a great progressive and social justice warrior, I...
With the Coronavirus spreading exponentially in China and global cases increasing in frequency, having surpassed the threat of the 2003...
Since the trailer for Joker dropped months ago, the internet has been churning out an overwhelming volume of meme content...
In news that has caused shock, elation and outrage among fans, acclaimed English actor Idris Elba has been selected to...
The year of 2016 was the first time our Left-wing Utopian dream became possible. Conservative writer Milo Yiannopolous would be...
With some of the absurd logic from the social justice movement it is sometimes hard to tell the difference between...
Richard Dawkins has over a million followers on Facebook, Richard Dawkins has million-dollar deal with media companies for documentary coverage,...
Concerned citizens expressed global outrage today, jumping on social media to let everyone know how in touch they are with...
Many people take it as a joke when we say that the left doesn’t know anything about history, among...
No upbringing would be complete without having experienced the joy of the classic children’s book series ‘Mr Men’. The popular...