
About The Unshackled

The Unshackled is a fast-growing alternative News Media Outlet. We currently are the largest of its kind in Australia. We take pride in speed, regular output, high-quality production, fact-checking. We cover topics and story angles that the mainstream media usually chooses to ignore.

Learn more about us, including our mission in creating The Unshackled, and the wide range of content we produce and publish every day.

Our Misson

A new shadow has begun sweeping over the world, trying to hold us down. It’s now turning into an all-out assault on the freedoms we once took for granted with daily impunity

The Red Menace was once defeated, but its back in a new form. And this time, it’s stronger and much more pervasive. Not stronger in terms of military power, but stronger when it comes to infiltrating people’s minds, possessing people’s hearts and breaking their souls. The Western world, once the great beacon of freedom and liberty, is now facing an apocalyptic revolution. Its enemies go by many names: the progressive left, social justice warriors and the bearers of politician correctness and identity and victim politics. It is set to undermine what our civilization has worked for, from above and below, inside and out.

Formed in the Holy Year 2016 (aka the Current Year), The Unshackled aims to uphold and protect what made western civilization great, those ideas from conservative and libertarian and various other centre-right schools of thought. We will expose the activities of the various enemies and fightback against the advance against their ideas in the media, in politics and popular culture. Whether the issues are economic, social or cultural the Unshackled will fight to expose the truth and protect free thinking and free markets. We will not just expose the various arms of the left, we will tackle the corrupt ideologies within the right-wing that have led to parasitic institutions such as crony capitalism which has ruined the reputation and meaning of the original free market capitalism.

Every day ordinary people are being shackled and told what to think, what is wrong with them and the way they currently live is wrong When asked why he decided to have gender quotas in government, Justin Trudeau said, “Because it’s 2016”. Well. We agree. This is why we formed this website, because it’s 2016. Because this is an age of upheaval. It’s an era that threatens our freedoms, our advancement, and our existence.

We must win the war against the controllers of thought and actions. We must protect our world and our lives against mass surveillance, big government, political correctness, the nanny state and elites attempting to rule over ordinary people. We must uplift this world from the current Dark Age. We must swear to never let totalitarianism sweep the world again.

We are the Unshackled and we will break the chains of control.

Meet The Unshackled Team

The Unshackled's editorial team is the primary driver of the content and direction of The Unshackled. Coming from a variety of professional and political backgrounds, all bringing diverse media and technological skills sets, our experienced team is well equipped to bring to you the real news and stories happening throughout our society


Tim Wilms

Founder & Editor in Chief
Host of WilmsFront

Morgan Munro

Senior Producer
Lucas Rosas

Lucas Rosas

Associate Editor
Damien Ferri

Damien Ferri

Senior Editor

Our Content

Rundown News

Our Rundown blog provides news, opinion analysis on the important issues of the day happening both locally in Australia and around the globe. We correct much of the misinformation the mainstream media puts out and also cover the stories they refuse to


Wilms Front is a fast-paced news and information live internet show hosted by the Editor in Chief of the Unshackled Tim Wilms. It is broadcast live from the Unshackled Studios on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday evenings 7pm Melbourne time on The Unshackled’s video and podcasting platforms.

Debt Nation

Debt Nation is both a show and movement where we are busy putting death out of business. Hosted by the Unshackled's Editor at Large Steele Archer the main project of the show is keeping you the viewer up with the ever-evolving and exciting UNITED STATES TRANSHUMANIST PARTY (USTP).

The Uncuckables

The Uncuckables is live show production between the XYZ, The Unshackled and the Rational Rise. Every Thursdays at 8.30pm Melbourne  The Uncuckables will discuss the issues of the week in a no off-limits format. The show has quickly risen to be pinnacle of the growing Australian alt-media broadcasting schedule.