Pedestrian TV Promotes Australian Communist Party Rally

Pedestrian TV, a supposedly mainstream Australian political outlet, has this week been promoting protests organised by Australian revolutionary Marxist groups in support of the week-long US riots.
In an article published yesterday, Pedestrian TV promoted the rally that was held in Hyde Park in Sydney. In their own description they declared that the organisers of this event, that they were urging their readers to attend, was the Australian Communist Party. The ACP is an old-fashioned Stalinist party which split from the Communist Party of Australia last year and lays claim to the heritage of the original CPA which was founded in 1921 and for decades took orders from Moscow.

They also promoted another Sydney rally, this time on Saturday in Chippendale. Pedestrian TV announced the organisers of this rally to be the “Indigenous Social Justice Association”, a front group used by the Marxists at Freedom Socialist Party and the Socialist Alliance and whose Victorian branch closely collaborates with the Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group. Another group named as organisers of the Saturday event were the “Anticolonial Asian Alliance”. As was documented in The Unshackled, the Anticolonial Asian Alliance believes Australia is an illegitimate social construct that must be destroyed and, to this end, has worked closely with the revolutionary Trotskyist group “Solidarity” both in Melbourne and Sydney.
With the Melbourne event promoted by Pedestrian TV the publication managed to avoid outright supporting a communist group. That rally also slated for Saturday is ostensibly organised by the “Blak nationalist” group Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance. They are of course being promoted by the Socialist Alternative front group “Campaign Against Racism and Fascism” who cancelled their own protest when the Trots at Socialist Alternative realised that they’ve made themselves ever-so-slightly unpopular on the left by trying to hijack every aboriginal organised protest held in Melbourne over the last two decades to try and sell their newspaper.
In Adelaide, Socialist Alternative haven’t been so subtle. Their front group “Adelaide Campaign Against Racism and Fascism” is openly hosting the event and despite Pedestrian TV’s endorsement some people online have not been particularity happy with Socialist Alternative hijacking the noble cause of riot-support.

Often journalists get given the benefit of the doubt when it comes to accidentally promoting the most murderous ideology in human history. But in the case of of Lavender Baj and Zac Crellin of Pedestrian TV, not even stupidity or ignorance is an excuse. They straight-up promoted a rally being held not by a front group but by an openly old-fashioned Stalinist communist party that even has the word “communist” in the name. After that you don’t get to pretend that you’re innocently promoting the other Marxist front groups out of ignorance.
Pedestrian TV is a supporter of extremists and violent extremism, not with a nod and a wink but with a bullhorn. There is no justification for it remaining online and in a just world it would be banned from social media and chased from the internet forever. Not only that – in a just world Lavender Baj and Zac Crellin would never have paid work in journalism again.