Greens Senator Speaks at Marxist Organized “Refugee” event


QLD Greens Senator Larissa Waters spoke at an event last Saturday outside the Brisbane Immigration Transit Accomodation (BITA) centre organised by veteran Marxist organizer Ian Rintoul. The small protest was called to demand the release into the community of 35 detainees who managed to gain access to Australia through the now repealed “Medevac” loophole.

The protest was a failure, with no media coverage and only a dozen or so attendees.

Greens senator Larrissa waters
Greens Senator Larrissa Waters speaks to her crowds of adoring fans

The event was called by the “Refugee Action Coalition”, a group created in 1999 by revolutionary Trotskyist activist Ian Rintoul to serve as a front for first the International Socialist Organisation and later for its successor group “Solidarity”.

Rintoul has been an left wing extremist activist since the mid-1970s. He began as an organiser for the anarchist “Self Management Group” (SMG) before leading a split in 1977 to found a Brisbane branch of the more explicitly Trotskyist organisation “International Socialists”. Rintoul became a part of the National Executive of IS (later ISO) and as a part of this body became a founder, NSW senate candidate and inaugural co-convenor of the Socialist Alliance in 2001. In 2003 he was forced out of both the ISO and Socialist Alliance and formed his own group Solidarity. He has boasted of being arrested more than sixty times, was involved in organising the violent mob attacks on Pauline Hanson meetings in Melbourne in the 90s, and was one of the chief architects of the S11 riots that brought Melbourne to a standstill in September 2000. Rintoul has now been proudly organizing and planning for the overthrow of the Australian government for almost half a century.

Larrissa Waters as an elected senator in that Australian government apparently sees nothing wrong with helping him in his campaigns.

This is of course not Senator Waters’ first association with left wing extremists. In July 2019 Australia’s largest left wing extremist group Socialist Alternative held large rallies in both Brisbane and Sydney under the banner of their front group “Uni Students for Climate Justice”. The Brisbane event was organised by Carl Jackson and Catherine Robertson of Socialist Alternative and was spoken at by Larissa Waters who posed for the cameras in “Stop Adani” earrings.

Senator Waters has also been linked to local anarchists with “Anti-fascist action” Brisbane leader and former UQ employee Kathleen Mcleod boasting online that she had access to Larissa Waters’ taxpayer funded printing resources for use on a campaign in support of imprisoned anarchist murderer Jock Palfreeman.

One would think a Greens senator and deputy party leader associating with people who want to violently overthrow the government so as to recreate the early Soviet Union here in Australia might have caused some comment, especially considering how agitated another Greens Senator has been over “domestic extremism” recently. But apparently not.

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