Brisbane Marxists Scream “War Criminals” at Aussie Soldiers


Brisbane Greens MP Amy MacMahon spoke at a violent Marxist organised protest yesterday during which protesters screamed “War Criminals” at uniformed Australian soldiers. During the event seven people were arrested for vandalism and altercations with police. 80 police officers were required to keep the protesters away from the Land Forces Expo at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. While waving a sea of red flags protesters screamed obscenities at serving Australian Defence Force personnel.

The violent protest was organised on a Facebook events page titled “Shut Down Brisbane Weapons Expo”. The page was hosted by four groups:

NUS Against Racism: NUS Against Racism is a front for the revolutionary Trotskyist group Socialist Alternative. The group was founded by Socialist Alternative activist Hersha Kadkol. At their most notable Sydney event NUS Against Racism protested outside the CPAC conference in August 2019 where NUS Against Racism spokeswoman and Wollongong Socialist Alternative organiser Chloe Rafferty was arrested for throwing hot coffee on a conservative attendee. The South Australian organiser for NUS Against Racism is Tom Gilchrist, also a Socialist Alternative activist and most well known for organising the mob attack on the electorate office of Cory Bernardi that trapped the then Liberal Senator’s wife and staff in a secure back room as the thugs vandalised and defaced the property (an attack so disgusting that even the left wing online publication Junkee condemned it). Ms Kadkol also used the name “NUS Against Racism” to organise a Socialist Alternative protest outside NSW parliament against the election of One Nation MP Mark Latham at which Greens Senator Mehreen Faruqi spoke in front of a huge Socialist Alternative banner.

Shut Down Land Forces Expo: A front group created specifically for this event, the main activist behind the “Shut Down Land Forces Expo” page appears to be QUT Socialist Alternative activist Sel Dowd. Ms Dowd has previously been prominent as an organiser of anti-Adani protests as a representative of Socialist Alternative front group “Uni Students for Climate Justice” and as a spokesperson for “QUT Education Action Group”.

Uni Students for Climate Justice: began in early 2019 with the purpose of mobilising university students to jack up the numbers at the “Climate school strikes”. From the very beginning, the organisation was dominated by well-known activists from the Socialist Alternative group. Their event in Canberra was organised by Socialist Alternative activist Kim Stern. Their event in Melbourne was organised by Socialist Alternative activists Anneke Demanuele and Kath Larkin. In South Australia, the event was organised by Sage Jupe and Madeleine Edhouse, again of Socialist Alternative. In Sydney, the group was organised and coordinated by the previously mentioned Hersha Kadkol and the main speaker at their largest Sydney event was Socialist Alternative activist Gavin Stanbrook. In Queensland, the effort at UQ was organised by Priya De (a National Committee member of Socialist Alternative) and the QUT effort was organised by Catherine Robertson and Jessica Payne of the QUT Socialist Alternative club.

UQU Environment Collective: A relatively small front group set up by Socialist Alternative activist Oula Shihan the Environment officer for the UQ Student union. The first picture at the head of their Facebook page is Oula and fellow Socialist Alternative activist Priya De holding each end of a banner with the name of the group at an “Invasion Day” protest.

Just in case anyone was in any doubt who was behind the event, the Brisbane protesters carried a multitude of red communist flags and a plethora of banners with the words “Socialist Alternative” on them. Felicity Caldwell of the Brisbane Times managed to see all this without noticing it. She quoted Priya De as the main organiser of the event without noting any of her extremist connections.

For context, late last year Priya De was one of those leading the mob which forced Prime Minister Scott Morrison to be evacuated from UQ in the back of a police car. She was also the main organiser behind the ultimately successful push to exclude a Ramsay Centre sponsored degree in Western Civilization from UQ. In August 2017, Priya led a masked mob of Socialist Alternative thugs to attack the AGM of Pauline Hanson’s One Nation. Most interesting perhaps in 2019 Priya De publicly declared “F*ck Australia” and that if someone put a gun to her head and forced her to choose between China and Australia, she would prefer to be shot. She also declared that Australia was not really a democracy because the Aboriginals were here first, that Australia tortures asylum seekers in detention centres and that “Aussie values” are nothing but murdering workers and vandalizing the environment. Priya is a member of the leadership of Socialist Alternative, a group that wants to overthrow the Australian government by extra-parliamentary means and institute a totalitarian socialist state.

Brisbane Socialist Alternative event
Red flags and Socialist Alternative banners outside the Brisbane event
Socialist Alternative activists after breaking into the Brisbane Land Forces Expo
Socialist Alternative activists after breaking into the Brisbane Land Forces Expo. Note Priya De in the orange Hi Vis vest on the right
Brisbane MP at Socialist Alternative event
South Brisbane MP Amy MacMahon speaking beside Priya De of Socialist Alternative.
Brisbane Land forces expo
Socialist Alternative activists including Jeheil Lomaz (left) hold up a Socialist Alternative banner at the protest.
Amy MacMahon, apparently totally unaware that she was surrounded by Marxist extremists.
Oula Shihan, a Socialist Alternative activist who spoke alongside Amy MacMahon. Not a single journalist noticed this.

All of this is publicly available information. None of this was apparently relevant to Felicity Caldwell when she was writing her piece. Must be nice to be a journalist, apparently you don’t actually have to do much actual “work” at all.

Felicity Caldwell of course has form in covering up for Marxist activists. She has in her articles in the Brisbane Times repeatedly quoted LGBTI Legal Service president Matilda Alexander in multiple pieces without ever bothering to point out that Ms Alexander had been a prominent activist with the Democratic Socialist Party, once the largest, best organised and most violent revolutionary Marxist group in Australia. The fact that someone being funded by hundreds of thousands in taxpayer funds to search for thought crimes committed by Queensland citizens might be a fan of the regime set up by Fidel Castro apparently wasn’t a newsworthy fact Felicity wanted to share with her readers.

The fact that elected Greens like South Brisbane MP Amy MacMahon now regularly speak at often violent events held by extremist groups that want to overthrow the government is now apparently something our media class is perfectly fine with.

The fact that elected members of our third largest political party are happy to attend a protest led by a woman who hates Australia and wants to see it destroyed, who organised a violent attempt to disrupt an AGM of a political party she disagreed with, and who lead a mob that chased our elected Prime Minister off a university campus is apparently something the press finds utterly normal and not worthy of comment.

Which is slightly concerning to be honest.

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