Why do the Queensland Greens and the Socialist Alliance share the same office?


Why do the Queensland Greens and the Brisbane branch of Socialist Alliance share the same office?

It has become increasingly clear as the years go by that the distance between the Greens and their comrades on the openly revolutionary Marxist left has gotten smaller and smaller.

In NSW Senator Mehreen Faruqi as well as state MPs David Shoebridge and Jamie Parker seem not able to get out of bed without running into a Trotskyist. Not to mention the fact that Australia’s most influential “ex”-Stalinist Lee Rhiannon is still hanging around the party fringes.

In Victoria recently selected Senator Lidia Thorpe has made no secret of her extremist friends, Victorian leader Samantha Ratnam has spoken at multiple Marxist rallies and recently appointed party leader Adam Bandt has a surprisingly lengthy list of links to all variety of communists going back to his university days.

Even in South Australia Senator and whale watching enthusiast Sarah Hanson Young has spoken at events organised by extremist activists (although in her defence I’m not sure she quite realised what was going on).

Queensland has been no exception. As the party has consolidated its hold on the inner city suburbs of Brisbane elected party officials such as Jonathan Sri, Larissa Waters and Michael Berkman keep finding themselves speaking at events organised by left wing extremists or extremist front organisations (completely by coincidence I’m sure).

And now it seems that for the last three years the Greens have been running their official state office out of the same address as the Brisbane branch of the revolutionary Marxists of the Socialist Alliance.

Do you think they noticed?

And the office certainly isn’t just a letterbox. The Socialist Alliance holds meetings, conferences and strategy sessions at the venue on a regular basis, usually chaired by Socialist Alliance national convenor and repeated failed Senate candidate Alex Bainbridge.

Socialist Alliance
Alex Bainbridge on the right. Socialist Alliance National Convenor and Queensland Greens office-sharer.

The totally normal, not at all insane topics for these meetings have included: Can we make a revolution in Australia?, an open forum with the delightfully named Coral Wynter (recently returned from the revolutionary paradise of Venezuela), a film screening of why abortion is good and ‘All power to the Soviets’: Commemorating the Russian Revolution.

Alex Bainbridge of course seems very happy with his office mates, publishing a powder-puff interview with the Greens Amy MacMahon and endorsing her ultimately successful campaign in the recent QLD election.

Socialist Alliance
Alex, the extremist with the goofy smile.

At this point it has to be asked, with Socialist Alliance sharing an office with the Greens, endorsing the candidates of the Greens, publishing propaganda in their newspapers calling for a vote for the Greens, and attending the same rallies as the Greens (although to be fair those rallies are usually organised by different extremist groups) are the Queensland Greens and the Brisbane Socialist alliance just the same group with two different names?

I hate to give leftie nutcases good advice, but at this point maybe they should probably just merge.

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