Merry Christmas from The Unshackled


The Unshackled would like to wish all of our followers a Merry Christmas and hope that you enjoy your Christmas Day with family and friends. For those working in essential and emergency services today we thank you for your sacrifice on this special day.

It has been a tough year with the west still besieged by terror attacks, the political establishment reasserting its dominance and the regressive left continuing its march through our institutions.

However, we can take solace today in the fact that the war on Christmas has been a complete and utter failure. The majority of Australians, including immigrants still say Merry Christmas, the major corporations still embrace the Christmas season and our local communities still hold countless Christmas themed events.

All that the Grinches could muster in Australia was the Greens’ pathetic Merry Nondenominational Seasonal Festivity banner. But even that banner was meant to highlight the fact that the left in Australia don’t even bother with the war on Christmas. Today on social media the left is lamenting the fact they have lost this war.

We at the Unshackled hope that we can all put aside the darkness for one day and celebrate one of the great traditions we still have in the west. Despite the grim lead up to this Christmas we can still reflect on what is great out society.

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