
“Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.” – Theodore Roosevelt

On Saturday 17th February 2024, a group of freedom activists gathered out front of Victoria Police Headquarters at Spencer Street Melbourne to rally against police corruption and government injustice. It was led by a man known by the name of “Samson” and Nick “Banjo” Patterson who Victoria Police is still prosecuting. They shared many stories of abusive police brutality exacted on the people during Covid19, and government corruption. Consequently, cases are now being held in court against VicPol and the Australian Government to investigate the injustices imposed on the people by COVID-19 restrictions and mandates.

Broadly speaking, justice is the idea that individuals are treated with equity and fairness. A society in which justice is practiced, should be one in which individuals receive their just reward. What this looks like for many differs, leaving us with the perpetual conundrum of how we navigate a society wherein the legislation and implementation of laws are driven by various moral values and religious beliefs.

In a Christian society, justice comes from God and whilst those in power do their best to write just laws, they will always be lacking as only God can judge righteously. Even Christians were painfully divided on how to deal with oppressive Covid19 restrictions. Justice for one seemed like oppression to another. It was a unique time for us all. We all followed by faith, what we believed to be right based on our consciences and convictions, and how we interpreted the scriptures.

One of the many divisive weapons implemented at this time was the definition of “essential”. Essential personnel and services became a fluid term thrown around loosely. To the Baphomet-worshipping globalists, bottle shops were essential, but churches were not. Visiting brothels and “safe” injecting rooms was essential, but visiting the elderly and going to funerals was not. The injustice reeked to high heaven. “Essential” was wide open to interpretation. We had “essential workers” puffed up with delusional self-importance throwing their weight around within their minute departments, making it difficult for the already suffering people to navigate through oppressive, bureaucratic red tape. Then we had the “covid cops”.

Whatever side you stood on the divide, there’s no denying the police handled freedom protesters with disproportionate and unnecessary force. Many now live with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and numerous physical health issues. Matt Lawson spoke of the injuries he endured due to allegedly, being shot point blank with rubber bullets, rupturing his abdomen, and causing internal bleeding. All because he stood peacefully on the frontlines during an anti-lockdown rally. Another man had his back broken due to unnecessary police violence. There are countless stories of people who were treated with excessive force by power-tripping police officers.

Many believed enforcing government mandates and complying with restrictions was the just thing to do, many did not. As a result, we have seen a mass exodus of tenured police officers from VicPol due to having witnessed such heavy-handed tactics by their colleagues. Many are speaking out today, as in the case of former Senior Sergeant Nick Terry who also revealed an overwhelming number of officer suicides. LGBTQIA+ interference and government overreach also being the main reasons for the decline in officer quality.

Today we have violent anti-Australia Day protesters screaming for the abolition of king and country and instead of “upholding the right” in combatting these violent Antifa protesters, they apply passive “keep the peace” stand-down tactics. Not to mention just recently, a gay Sydney police officer, Constable Beau Lamarre allegedly murdered a young gay couple in a jealous rage, using his police-issue firearm. He had only just joined the police force in 2019. These actions should warrant a complete internal and external investigation into recruitment and training processes. There are many more examples of police corruption and vigilante-like “law enforcement”, that would require a thesis, a thing I personally have no time to write, though someone should!

The fact is, the Australian Police needs an overhaul and justice needs redefining by legislators. The people are angry, and rightly so. If the police force continues to lose quality officers and angry people grow in number, who knows what the potential effects on society this could bring? One need only look at California as an example of what our future looks like. For the Christian, the future is bright because no matter where we stand on the great divide, we stand on Christ and though we may get things wrong occasionally, in Christ we are always right because we fight the good fight.

“And what more shall I say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon and Barak and Samson and Jephthah, also David and Samuel and the prophets: who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, became valiant in battle, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.”

Hebrews 11:32-34

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