How can the Australian Right get Organised?

Right is unorganised

How can the Australian Right get Organised?

The question of organisation is a crucial one for the Australian right. The domination by the left of Australia’s cultural institutions means that right-wingers tend to be isolated, alone and cut off, whinging in comment threads or ranting over beers at suburban BBQs. This impotence and isolation breeds hopelessness, but also resentment and anger. The current leftist establishment is held together largely due to the fact that those who want change feel powerless to effect it.

And this feeling is well founded. On our own, shut off in our suburbs listening to talk radio or complaining on Facebook the Australian right is powerless. As individuals pissing into the wind there isn’t anything we can really do to effect any real change. You might make an angry call to your local MP but even if by some minor miracle they happen to be sympathetic they themselves are almost certainly powerless to help you. The media, academia, the public service the vast conglomeration of NGOs who now dictate policy far more than any individual MP can easily drown out the voice of a backbencher.

To effect change the right needs to get organised and act collectively. This rubs many who have been brought up in the libertarian tradition the wrong way, but the simple truth is that this is the only way change has ever been made. The left after all didn’t achieve its current position of power because their ideas are correct or because their activists are individually high quality people (quite the opposite) but because they were superior at organising and acting together to achieve their common goals.

The Sky News Australia crowd and the few right of centre publications and commentators seem allergic to this notion. They’ve swallowed whole the fantasy of the individual being the most important part of society. The truth is of course that humans are never individuals; we are part of families, churches, communities, tribes and nations. The idea that in the realm of politics this reality can be cast aside is absurd.

If one side is made up of “free thinking individuals” while the other is made up of dedicated activists working collectively then it really doesn’t matter if the collectivists are mindless imbeciles with bad breath and spaghetti arms, they’re still going to win.

The left are organised, the right are not. That’s why the left win and the right lose.

And in a very real sense they have won. The current leftist establishment is probably the most well organised and pervasive system of control in human history. Through their control of the universities they have now indoctrinated several generations of the people who actually run things into their worldview. A majority of teachers, lawyers, corporate bosses, sports executives, public servants, social workers, human resources reps and the hierarchies of the police and military have been moulded to think through their lens (or at the very least to be afraid of speaking out openly against it).

The mass media floods our society with ideas that reinforce the current status quo. Near every meeting public or private begins with an “acknowledgement to country” that denies the legitimacy of our nation to exist. Our children have their thoughts and beliefs shaped by an education system that teaches them to hate their ancestors, despise their parents and spit on their nation’s flag. Anyone who speaks up in the workplace risks losing their job as their union (created by generations of workers to defend them against just such arbitrary dismissals) dementedly applauds.

The only hope comes from the fact that the ideology of the left is so nonsensical, so alien to human experience that it needs this massive structure of indoctrination and control simply to survive. Our lives are shaped by experiences that remind us every day that the leftist view of humanity and society is simply wrong. The love of family, the silent crowds on Anzac day braving the morning chill in remembrance of ancestors and nation, the Aussie flag flown from a suburban garage like a banner of resistance to everything we have been taught to believe. All these things and more show that there is something for a new Australian right to be built on.

But it needs to actually be built. Too many people simply assume that “well when things get worse people will stand up” or “this can’t go on forever” without realising that a mass of unorganised individuals simply can’t change this system, and that even if the system did collapse under its own weight it is the extreme left who are organised to take advantage of a period of crisis, not the sensible right.

Most individuals (even those who consider themselves “right wing” and are therefore consciously opposed in whole or in part to the current system) have absorbed some of the leftist ideas that keep the system running. The idea that such people with half-formed ideas some of which contradict each other will be able to spontaneously spring into action to save Australia is an absurd fantasy.

In many areas of Australia there are many different groups with different experiences of just how pervasive the leftist state is. Someone living on the Darling Downs is going to have a radically different notion of just how bad the current situation is compared to someone in Melbourne. Without any communication between the two or any common thread of experience these separated individuals might end up antagonistic towards each other’s struggles despite both being vocally and passionately against the same oppressive leftist structure.

For the Australian right to actually effect change and resist the leftist establishment they need to be able to see themselves as a part of the same fight. They need to understand what the system is, how it developed and how it sustains itself. Only then can positive change begin to happen and victories won.

Which means the most passionate and politically educated sections of the Australian right need to reach out to these isolated individuals and bring them together. An actual organisation dedicated to creating right of centre activists (who can then themselves reach out to those isolated individuals still trapped out there complaining alone in the wilderness) is vital.

An organisation also enables younger activists to learn from those with more experience so as not to make the same mistakes over and over every ten years. An organisation can also act as a counterweight to the barrage of propaganda and distortion that the establishment uses to distort Australian history for its own purposes. Through publications and public organising, organisations preserve the history and achievements not only of Australia as a whole but of the Australian right in particular, and use that knowledge to strengthen future struggles.

Organisation is the vital element in the struggle for an Australian national revival. As the slow decay of our society under leftist rule piles up around us, we urgently need to win more people to this project so that we are better positioned in the inevitable battles to come. The major political parties on the Australian right have abrogated this responsibility, focusing instead on branch stacking and petty squabbles over meaningless factions and lucrative ministerial seats.

So it is up to us. But we can’t do it as individuals, we have to do it together.

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