The State of Victoria is No Longer Free

There is no doubt that the State of Victoria is no longer free. It is a political police state that is solely run by tyranny using intimidation and imprisonment as a means of silencing any dissidents still brave enough to stand against the regime currently in place.
We are force-fed a narrative by the state and their media accomplices, bullied into excepting their lies, while we sit back and watch them inject a whole generation with an experimental drug that has already killed more people than all other vaccines combined.
Thomas Sewell, Neil Erikson, Nick Patterson, and Pastor Paul Furlong are all currently imprisoned at the Melbourne Assessment Prison (MAP). The current gravity of the situation these great men are facing is one that should be of concern to every Australian that cares about the future of this country.
Although there are grave differences in all 4 cases one thing rings true through them all, they are all political prisoners. All four are victims of a legislative and legal system that no longer considers facts when incarcerating people accused of going against the “stats quo”, but rather their political views.
They use this tactic to not only punish and torment those charged, but to also install fear into those around them and crush any wave of resistance that they perceive as a threat. They assume by cutting off the head, in the cases of Tom (EAM) and Nick (Peacemakers) that the movements they have helped to build will disappear.
I am here to tell you that is not the case. The Australian people have awoken, and more people than ever are now realising how deep the pool of bullshit we are drowning in really is. Persecution in this manner imposed upon innocent people by their government can only be tolerated for so long, and in these cases the harder the government pushes the more people will start to push back and expose the government’s crimes and corruption.
An embarrassed government is a defeated government, and once that is the case it can no longer stay in power. Change starts with the sharing of information so remember these men and let’s not forget the crimes the state has committed against them.