Plan to Survive
Just a few years ago the very thought of societal collapse or mass civil unrest occurring in Australia was nothing more than a fantasy that the majority of Australians would not have even entertained.
But in 2020 tensions have risen in our community on multiple different fronts. Leaving a lot of people fearing that mass unrest may not only be a possibility but inevitable. The implications of what that may look like are lost on most Australians who are not prepared or equipped to survive without the help of the Government.
We at The Australian Men’s Action Group (AMAG Project) want to make sure we use our resources and combined knowledge to help people in the community be prepared for any disaster that one may come across whether it’s of natural causes or manmade. Here are some tips we have put together to help increase your odds of survival if ever you were to find yourselves in a potentially deadly situation.
- ACTIVELY GET INVOLVED IN BOTH PHYSICAL AND COMBAT TRAINING– “only the strong survive” is a statement that finds particular truth in a survival situation. Possessing physical strength is extremely important in a time of insecurity especially if there are tasks that include manual labour and being skilled in the areas of combat provide the confidence that comes with being able to defend yourself and the ones you love.
- NETWORK– Developing strong community connections is an essential key to survival. Humans have evolved to work together over the years. Social clubs and community organisations like AMAG give people the opportunity to pool resources and share knowledge helping to build a social system that can support them in times of need.
- EDUCATE YOURSELVES- Everyday skills possessed by the generations before us are becoming lost arts. Things like gardening, hunting, building and preserving food are now areas some people specialise in, though the majority of people rely on other people to take on what are often viewed as medial tasks. though some people are experts in these fields very few people are proficient in all of them.
- HAVE A PLAN– “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.” As a nation that is used to enjoying all the comforts life has to offer, we often forget to take into account what would happen if the rug was ever pulled from under us. We are so used to having wifi, power and a supermarket to cater to all our needs that all the skills that made our great grandparents self sufficient have all but disappeared from our society, so we need to consider what we will do to our communities and families safe and fed.
These are just some of the very basic things we can easily do to start to prepare our selves for the off chance that our government may not always be there to protect us. We need to be proactive the lives of our families may one day depend on it. Seek out groups in your local community such as The AMAG Project and set your life on a path of self empowerment today. “surround yourselves with those on the same mission as you”