
Despite their reputations for rolling lockdowns Australian and New Zealand cities made up six of the top ten World’s Most Liveable Cities for 2021. Tim in Melbourne and Dieuwe in Auckland will share just how liveable life is in their respective cities and nations on this week’s Trad Tasman Talk.

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The Economist magazine’s Intelligence Unit published its list of most livable cities for 2021. It was not published in 2020 due to the covid pandemic. Despite each city experiencing four lockdowns Auckland was number one while Melbourne was number eight. The criteria used to assess livability unsurprisingly didn’t include human rights, the Economist being a globalist magazine used criteria that make cities attractive for wealthy globalists to live.

Melbourne has now entered lockdown lite after two weeks of strict lockdown. Masks are still mandatory everywhere, travel is limited to 25km from home, no private gatherings allowed and Melbournains are still locked out of other states. Queensland is cracking down on Victorian escapees after two tested positive on the Sunshine Coast. With Dan Andrews still on leave the rumours and conspiracy theories about his stairfall on March 9 have continued, even being explored by the state Liberal Opposition.

While Australia’s vaccine rollout gathers pace (it did suffer a second AstraZeneca linked blood clot death) New Zealand is in danger of running out of vaccines since it is solely reliant on Pfizer imports. The Federal Government announced it is proceeding with a digital vaccination certificate rollout.

The Tasman nations appear back together after Scott Morrison and Jacinda Ardern got quite close in Queenstown following a 60 Minutes Australia story alleging that New Zealand had ditched Australia for China.

In our local crime update Australian national socialist Thomas Sewell was denied bail after being charged with armed robbery during the last National Socialist Network camping trip, he faces up to two years in person before his case goes to trial. Neil Erikson is due to be released next week from his 1 month sentence for distributing Islamic Prayers at Federation Square in 2019. They are being held at the Melbourne Assessment Prison (MAP) where anti-lockdown activists Nick Patterson and Pastor Paul Furlong are being held. The FBI led an international organised crime sting which included gangs in Australia and New Zealand involving gathering data through an encrypted app called AN0M.

One of the New Zealand National Party’s most moderate MPs Nick Smith is retiring after a series of revelations about him verbally abusing staff. In his valedictory address he apologized for voting against same sex marriage 2013 and claimed that the New Zealand economy is in a strong position. In Australia an ongoing campaign by refugee activists has spiked again, the Tamil Biloela who were found not to be refugees and are being detained on Christmas Island, one of their anchor babies has to be airlifted to a Perth hospital to treat a blood infection.

Rose Byrne To Star As New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern In ‘They Are Us’ – Deadline
‘Digital certificate’ for COVID-19 jab explained – 9News
Victoria’s Lockdown is Not Really Over – TU
‘Digital certificate’ for COVID-19 jab explained – 9News
Neo-Nazis leader Thomas Sewell refused bail over alleged attack on hikers – The Age
Australian Federal Police and FBI nab criminal underworld figures in worldwide sting using encrypted app – ABC News
Retiring National MP Nick Smith apologises for voting against gay marriage in 2013 – NZ Herald
Minister Karen Andrews rules out Biloela resettlement without refugee status – The Canberra Times


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