The Unshackled Waves Ep. 83 Marriage Plebiscite Proceeds, Father’s Day, Hurricane Harvey and IS in the Philippines

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This week’s review show features the final change to the format of the show. We debut our new segment at the beginning of the show Right Now which features a rundown of the week’s news including my own take on it. For the review show discussion we are joined by Unshackled Contributor Jacob Watts.
The High Court has ruled that the postal plebiscite on same sex marriage can proceed after dismissing a challenge to the financing of it. Despite the uncertainty around it the campaigns from both sides has already been underway. The first no campaign commercial aired last week and discussed issues such as Safe Schools rather than the issue itself. We discuss is this a plebiscite on same sex marriage or the left’s agenda in general? We also express our disgust against the harassment of the mothers who appeared in the no commercial although we are not surprised at the antics of the left.
Father’s Day became political this year which all began when a leftist academic Dr Red Ruby Scarlet claimed the day should be changed to special persons day. Then a commercial promoting Father’s Day by Dads4Kids was pulled by Free TV Australia because it did not have political authorization. It was deemed to be related somehow the same sex marriage plebiscite, this begs the question will all Father’s Day material in the future need to carry political authorization? Father’s Day is also attacked by the feminist lobby who want to diminish the male influence on children.
In the United States Hurricane Harvey devastated south eastern Taxes and another Hurricane Irma is now on its way. Unlike previous cyclones the response from government agencies such as FEMA has been adequate. But the mainstream media can’t let an opportunity to bash Trump go to waste, since there is nothing real to criticize him over they have picked at superficial things such as him wearing is MAGA hat when touring the damage, not hugging victims even at Melania wearing heels. This is further proof left only cares about seeming rather than doing. Trump has also personally donated $1 million which does more than any hug can. Plus despite the tragedy the business of the nation and world must go on and Trump needs to focus on those as well.
Most people think Islamic State is only confined to the Middle East but now it has arrived in South East Asia. The city of Marawi in the Philippines been under siege from Islamic State. Australia offered military assistance to President Roderigo Durtre who is a controversial President and is called the Donald Trump of Asia. Libertarians don’t want any assistance given to him due to his crackdown on the drug trade which has involved summary execution of drug dealers and users. But people should be reminded he was voted in and is still very popular and to say that he is just as bad as Islamic State is relativism at its worst.
Theme Music Super Power Cool Dude by Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
News Discussed
High Court upholds same-sex marriage postal survey, to be sent out from September 12 – Herald Sun
Petition calls for doctor in ‘no’ campaign same-sex marriage ad to be deregistered – Yahoo 7
Happy Father’s Day! Why is This Even Controversial?
Trump Personally Donates $1 Million to Hurricane Harvey Relief
Australia offers Philippines military help in ‘dangerous’ fight against ISIS – 9 News