Joe biden says Antifa doesnt exist

After months of left wing extremists burning cities, assaulting bystanders, murdering opponents and attacking police Joe Biden has declared that “Antifa” doesn’t actually exist.

I guess it must have been a magical gnome that created the illusion of the last hundred plus days of rioting in Portland then (as well as dozens of other cities). The rest of us can’t see this magical gnome of course, maybe only Joe Biden can.

During the first U.S Presidential debate Biden claimed that Antifa was an “idea, not an organization,” claiming that that’s what the FBI director said. If we’re being charitable we could maybe assume that’s what his invisible gnome friend told Joe, because otherwise he’s straight up lying. The FBI director Christopher Wray stated in his evidence before the congressional committee that:

“Antifa is a real thing. It’s not a group or an organization. It’s a movement, or an ideology may be one way of thinking of it and we have quite a number, and I’ve said this quite consistently since my first time appearing before this committee, we have any number of properly predicated investigations into what we would describe as violent anarchist extremists and some of those individuals self-identify with Antifa,”

Bill Barr made it even clearer saying that yes, “Antifa and Antifa like groups are at the center of it (the riots).”

While most American journalists have spent today demanding that Donald Trump disavow the Proud Boys, not a single mainstream media employee seems to have thought it worthwhile to pursue the fact that not only did Joe Biden not disavow the left wing extremists who have been rioting, burning buildings and beating innocent Americans into the pavement for months, he denied that they even existed.

And the media, who have spent the last six months standing in front of burning buildings while describing the arsonists as “mostly peaceful protesters” have let Joe Biden get away with it.

Maybe they can all see Joe Biden’s invisible magical gnome as well. Or maybe they’ve just got black masks in their closets at home.

Author Details
Lucas Rosas
Lucas Rosas has spent years monitoring far left extremists so you don’t have to. He lives in a secure location with multiple large and hungry guard dogs.
Lucas Rosas
Lucas Rosas has spent years monitoring far left extremists so you don’t have to. He lives in a secure location with multiple large and hungry guard dogs.
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