WilmsFront 176

With the NSW state election less than a week away my WilmsFront guest is Craig Kelly the United Australia Party National Director who is running for the NSW Legislative Council as the lead candidate for UAP supported Independent Group.

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The United Australia Party isn’t registered for this NSW state election as the NSW electoral commission makes it difficult for new parties to register. Instead, Craig Kelly is the lead candidate for the Group B Independents for the NSW Legislative Council. 21 of the 42 Council seats are up for election statewide with a minor party or group only needing 4.3% of the vote to get a seat.

Both major parties are going to the election with similar renewable energy and electric vehicle policies which are driving voters to pro-reliable energy pro-freedom parties. Craig believes that Premier Dominic Perrottet could end all remaining vaccine mandates in the state if he was determined. He admonishes former Prime Minister Scott Morrison for attempting to rewrite history to claim he was never in favour of vaccine mandates.

Craig was assaulted by a woman with an egg smacked on the back of his head in Melbourne during the federal election campaign in a targeted political hit with two accomplices. His attacker only received a $300 fine with no conviction in the Magistrates Court for this act of political violence.

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