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It’s the day after the election miracle that Scott Morrison was able to pull off with his stunning victory. Bill Shorten lost the unloseable election and a fresh round of leftist tears has ensued with them raging against racist and bigoted voters, particularly those in Queensland.

For his fresh analysis, joining me on another special live episode was Senior Editor of The Unshackled, Damien Ferri. We go through the issues that decided the election, why the polls were wrong, the minor party vote, the reaction from the left and the media, and the future of the Liberals and Labor post the election.

Turnbull Family Another Big Election Loser – TU
A Political Miracle and Leftist Tears – TU
The five biggest positives for Australia from the “Morrison Miracle” – TU
LABOR have LOST the “unlosable” ELECTION! – TU
The Uncuckables Ep. 10 The Most Epic Election Night – TU

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