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Being a patriot activist takes courage, determination and perseverance, its unpaid, you attract the attention of various government authorities, your social media is often censored, and the media, cultural and political class label you a racist and extremist.

One patriot activist who has been particularly active over the summer period is Dennis Huts from Perth. He began as an organiser for the United Patriots Front in the city. He has previously a run in with Muslim activists a local Perth University.

More recently his Facebook video on African crime hitting Perth has been viewed 450,000 times, he unveiled an It’s Okay to Be White banner at a Big Bash cricket match at Perth Stadium and also confronted invasion day protestors in Perth on Australia Day.

Dennis is our guest on today’s show to give us a first hand perspective on all these events as well telling us about the patriot and cultural scene over in the West.

Dennis’ Facebook Page
Perth Muslim woman’s rant at Pauline Hanson supporter not what it appears – WA Today
Neo-Nazi lovers sentenced to 21 years in jail for Perth murder – The Guardian
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