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After not having had a news review show for a while we get you up to date on all the major stories with friend of the Unshackled and YouTuber Johnny Moore.

We discuss Tommy Robinson being banned from Facebook and Instagram, which was suspiciously timed with the premiere of his BBC expose documentary Panodrama.

We analyze the guilty verdict against Cardinal George Pell on historical child sex abuse charges, Johnny being a Catholic shares his sorrow at the scourge the child sex abuse scandal and its handling by the Catholic church has had on the institution.

We comment on the recent Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras and express our dismay that such a hypersexualised event is promoted and celebrated by our media and political class, and that children can freely view it.

We finish with a Trump update with the recent testimony of his former lawyer Michael Cohen before Congress attacking Trump, the very same Congress he is guilty of lying to. We also analyze his latest meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Links to Johnny Moore
YouTube Channel
Facebook Page
Twitter Account

Tommy Robinson Banned From Facebook and Instagram
What’s Wrong with the Mardi Gras
The Degenerate Mardi Gras

About The Author