The Unshackled Waves Ep. 203 Melbourne Terror Attack, Luke Foley and Hanson and Latham’s One Nation

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Australia is still reeling from the Islamic terror attack that occurred in Melbourne’s CBD last Friday 9th November. Hassan Shire Ali drove a four wheel drive armed with gas cylinders which exploded before stabbing three people and killing Sisto Malaspina, the beloved co-owner Pellegrini’s restaurant in the city. Ali was of Somali descent arriving in Australia in 1990s, was known to ASIO and other security agencies and had his passport cancelled in 2015 over fears he sought to fight for Islamic State.
New South Wales Labor Opposition Leader Luke Foley resigned this week after ABC journalist Ashleigh Raper published a statement detailing sexually inappropriate conduct she experienced from Foley at a Christmas Party in 2016. Word of this alleged incident had been circulating for months which Foley had denied. While he did resign he continued his denial and vowed to sue the ABC for publishing the allegations.
Mark Latham has announced he has joined Pauline Hanson’s One Nation and will be their upper house candidate at the New South Wales state election in March 2019. Mark Latham is now in his third party and with One Nation experiencing a high turnover of MPs there is much speculation on how long this political marriage will last but will certainly increase One Nation’s electoral prospects in New South Wales.
To discuss all these developments I was joined by the Editor at Large of the Unshackled Steele Archer, Political Editor of the Unshackled Michael Smyth and Senior Editor Damien Ferri for a special roundtable episode.
THE LATEST: Melbourne Terror Attack Perpetrator Named. Victim Also Named
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