
Two weeks ago on a sunny Saturday in Melbourne the irrepressible Neil Erikson; performance artist, right wing activist and frequent “guest” of Victoria Police joined an Unshackled cameraman in filming a pro-refugee Rally outside the State library.

While some might say Mr Erikson is an acquired taste and that some of his videos and antics are a bit hit or miss, this isn’t one of them. This is must see viewing. I say that not just because of the insight the footage provides into just how crazy and hate filled leftists can be, but also for the insight into who they are and who exactly is attending and organising these protests for “refugees”.

Almost every person who approached Neil as he calmly and quietly filmed was a member or organiser of a far left extremist group. Not crusty Greens or soft hearted grannies but some of the most radical violent Marxist and Anarchist organisers active in Melbourne today.

Watch the video and read below to see who is really leading and organising these protests:

At 1.08 You can see a darker skinned female approach Mr. Erikson from behind. This is Nahui Jimenez Ludekens, Socialist Alternative organiser, one of the central members of the violent “Campaign Against Racism And Fascism” group as well as an elected representative on the RMIT Student Union. Ms Ludekens was originally a native of the city of San Miguel de Allende in central Mexico but now resides in the inner northern Melbourne suburb of Coburg.

Nahui Ludekens (left) of Socialist Alternative

At 1.57 you can see Nahui beg the police present to physically remove Neil and his offsider from the crowd. It’s interesting that a Socialist Alternative organiser with brown skin would take this attitude. After all this is a group that over and over again proclaims the police to be an illegitimate racist force for social control used by the ruling classes to crush both brown people and any resistance to capitalist rule.

Well until you want them to remove someone you don’t like I guess.

Sue Bolton: Veteran of thirty six years of Marxist activism. Socialist Alliance Councillor.

2.12 Councillor Sue Bolton addresses the crowd. Sue is a member of the National Executive and Victorian convener of the now faded Socialist Alliance. Ms Bolton’s pedigree in extremist politics goes back decades first joining the Socialist Workers Party in 1982. Never heard of the SWP? That’s because they changed their name to the Democratic Socialist Party (for who Bolton was a branch secretary) and in 2000 formed the Socialist Alliance. She recently hit the news after comparing Australia day to the Holocaust.

Sue is also second on the ticket for the Northern Metro electorate for the new “Victorian Socialists” party in the upcoming State election.

Claudio Uribe of Socialist Alternative being his usual friendly self.

2.17 As our cameramen watch the speakers you can see a man, again with a darker complexion attempting to assault them from behind before being led away by police. This is Claudio Uribe, also a Socialist Alternative organiser and CARF activist originally from Colombia. You might remember Claudio as the thug who demanded the police stop an Unshackled cameraman from filming their farcical rally against Channel 7s entirely accurate reporting on African gangs.

2.36 The co-chairman of the Refugee Action Collective event appears at the microphone and to my surprise it’s David Glanz.

David Glanz: veteran Trotskyist and now member of Solidarity displaying his most attractive smile.

David spends most of his time these days in the rather cosy and impressive sounding position of “Senior Communications Manager at the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering” but is better known from his history as one of Australia’s longest serving Marxist activists.

David began his career in revolutionary extremism decades ago. He was a leading Melbourne member of the Trotskyist International Socialist Organisation  (ISO) sitting on that groups National Executive before becoming the national co-convener of the Trotskyist electoral front Socialist Alliance in the early 2000s. These days he’s a leading member of the Trotskyist splinter group “Solidarity”, itself a successor group to the old ISO and as such a cousin organisation to the Socialist Alternative (SAlt).

David has been involved in organising violent protests and attacks on political opponents going back to the far left assaults on One Nation meetings in Melbourne in the 1990s and the S11 riots around Crown Casino in September 2000, but he seems to have calmed down a touch as he approaches his dotage.

Good to see he’s keeping busy.

At 2.44 you can see a man awkwardly attempt to block the camera with his crotch before scurrying away to safety.

Chris Breen. Veteran Marxist activist, Solidarity member, main Melbourne organiser of the Refugee Action Collective

This fellow is Chris Breen, traditionally the main media spokesman for the Refugee Action Collective and like David an organiser for the Trotskyist group Solidarity. Mr Breen has had a long and eventful career on the radical left going back at least to the late 90s when (again like David) he was an activist for the Trotskyist International Socialist Organisation.

The most interesting thing about Chris Breen in this video is his shirt, emblazoned with the slogan “Teachers for refugees”. The Teachers for Refugees group was founded by Lucy Honan (who was also present at the rally although sadly not in this video). Lucy is a teacher at St Albans Secondary College in Melbourne’s North West, an AEU state Councillor in Victoria and yet another organiser of (and frequent speaker for) the extremist Trotskyist group Solidarity.

Lucy Honan. Founder of Teachers for Refugees, Marxist activist, member of Solidarity.

Teachers for Refugees has a… complicated relationship with the truth. A member of their organising committee Dr Rachael Jacobs of Western Sydney University was responsible for the bald faced lie about Muslim harassment behind the #I’llridewithyou campaign after the Lindt Café killings.

At 2.58 You get your first vision of Vashti Kenway. Vashti is a Socialist Alternative National Executive member and like her friend Nahui a central figure in CARF. She was arrested and charged in 2012 relation to the anti-Israel Max Brenner chocolate shop protests that she organised in her capacity as one of the founding members of “Students for Palestine”. She was on a separate occasion charged for screaming obscenities in the street at Christian Democratic Party leader Fred Nile.

Vashti Kenway, Socialist Alternative National Executive member.

In 2006 Vashti was the chief organiser for the “Students Against War and Racism” SAlt front group on Monash University which was accused of both physical and verbal anti-Semitic attacks on Jewish students deemed insufficiently critical of the Jewish state. The problems continued into 2014 when after multiple complaints of continuing attacks and abuse against Jewish students carried out by SAlt activists the Monash University Socialist Alternative club was deregistered by the student union.

Vashti Kenway is also probably related to Jane Kenway (perhaps her daughter) who is a Professor of Education at Monash as well as being a Socialist Alternative member herself having spoken at several SAlt meetings and conferences.

Good to see families sharing common interests.

Jacob van der Eynden. Supporter of Socialist Alternative and the Victorian Socialists. Floppy hair haver.

At 3.06 you can see a rather recent floppy haired young addition to the ranks of extremism hanging out at the back of the muddle of leftists trying to block Neil’s camera. This poor soul goes by Jacob van der Eynden. Until recently Jacob was a drama nerd attending a rather nice school in a rather leafy suburb in a reasonably upper middle class area of Melbourne’s east. Jacob has however fallen in with bad company, attending the recent Socialist Alternative “Marxism2018” conference and pledging financial support to the Victorian Socialists election drive.

One hopes that he can break away and find some friends with interests other than hating Australia and violently attacking people who disagree with them.

At 3.38 in case there was any possible doubt about Ms Kenway’s political affiliation you can see Vashti trying to block the camera with a copy of Red Flag, the official newspaper of Socialist Alternative for which Vashti has often written.

Red Flag. Socialist Alternative’s totally moderate, not at all extreme newspaper.

Just to confirm her affiliation as well at 3.50 you can see Nahui try and block the camera with a pamphlet advertising the Socialist Alternative “Class struggle and Socialism” conference at the Victorian Trades Hall early next month.

Poster for the “Class struggle and Socialism” conference being held by Socialist Alternative.

This seminar promises to teach attendees about how to organise Marxist cells in their workplaces, why a violent revolution is not only desirable but inevitable and why working class people keep stubbornly refusing to listen to Marxists (Spoiler: they’re all brainwashed by Rupert Murdoch).

4.53 Vashti again tries to block the camera, this time with a picture of Victorian Socialists State election candidate and long-time Marxist extremist Stephen Jolly.

Jasmine Ali. Marxist activist and member of the Trotskyist “Solidarity” group.

5.21 Neil and Morgan receive a spray from a woman of Indian appearance. This woman’s name is Jasmine Ali. Jasmine is yet another member of the extremist Trotskyist group Solidarity and has been a member since at least 2009. She has written articles for their website and magazine on a wide variety of subjects including what Marx would have thought about Climate Change, the need for open borders and Multiculturalism to destroy the Australian nation, How the racist Kevin Rudd enforced Australia’s neo-colonial mastery over Papua New Guinea, How Feminism in the 60s and 70s was racist, How Marxism will fix global warming, and how the history of the Australian union movement is one of White Supremacy.

She’s a lot of fun.

In 2015 Jasmine was one of those who organised the violent attacks against the speaking event of visiting Dutch MP Geert Wilders and was featured favourably on the ABC’s 7.30 report declaring that Wilders had no right to free speech. She also finds time to be employed both as a researcher at the Centre for Urban Research at RMIT University and is an active member of the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU), an organisation that coincidentally enough endorsed the Refugee rally.

Funny that.

It’s up to us.

Marxism will lose. It’s up to all of us to make it happen sooner rather than later.

Now I shouldn’t need to point this out but it needs to be reiterated over and over again. These are the groups and activists who have organised every single refugee rally in Melbourne over the course of the last two decades. If anything this is just a small snapshot of a much wider rally containing many, many more extremists of the same ilk who didn’t feel the need to abuse the two people silently filming them.

How many times have you heard these extremist connections mentioned in the mainstream media?

There has been almost twenty years of this and the same media that has a colossal hissy fit should one of their number interview anyone considered a touch too far to the right has quoted Chris Breen and his Sydney counterpart (and founder of Solidarity) Ian Rintoul hundreds of times without ever mentioning their decades of Marxist activism.

The media isn’t going to name these extremists until they find themselves embarrassed that half their audience already knows what they aren’t telling them. It’s up to us to spread the word, to drag these violent nutters out into the disinfecting light of public opinion and show them for the extremists they are.

Because God knows our fourth estate won’t.

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