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It was a week where there were multiple setbacks for the right and the left’s agenda appeared to advance even further. To discuss and analyze this I welcomed back to the show the Senior Editor of the Unshackled Damien Ferri.

The National Party had been investigating 35 members’ ties to alleged Neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups after media reports by the ABC’s Background Briefing program and the Daily Telegraph’s Sharri Markson. It has resulted in 19 of those under investigation resigning citing trial by media, Clifford Jennings in his resignation letter denied he held radical views but spoke about the alienation of white Australians resulting from third world immigration. The Nationals banned 22 people for life and its party members being a part of nationalist organisations like the Lads Society and New Guard. The Overton window appears to have pushed back as there will now be a crackdown on members in major parties holding nationalist views. This week ‘It’s okay to be white’ posters were deemed to be white supremacist as well.

Ross Cameron who was one of the beloved conservative hosts of Sky News Outsiders program was sacked on Friday for stereotypical language he used about Chinese people. This leaves Rowan Dean and the sole Outsiders host as Mark Latham was also sacked in 2017 for calling a Sydney high school boy gay. Sky viewers have been let down again with the network capitulating to leftist outrage and advertiser boycott threats, this follows their apology for interviewing Blair Cottrell back in August. It would appear its only the alternative media who can be relied upon to stand up for free speech.

The Federal Labor Party denied this week it would abolish gender from birth certificates after it was reported they were considering adopting the radical LGBT Yogyakarta Principles. However the party is Tasmania is supporting an activist push to do just that, while Shorten says one thing it would appear they are willing to grant any wish of LGBT activists no matter how extreme they are.

Malcolm Turnbull has caused drama for the Morrison Government turning his Indonesian Ocean summit visit into a platform to criticize government policy, the government who sent him to the summit. Morrison said Turnbull would no longer be appointed to represent the government for going beyond his brief but this was contradicted by Turnbull. Added to this Turnbull is going on Q&A this week which makes clear he is giving Abbott a run in the sniping game, it demonstrates again leadership changes always have a bitter ex.

The leftist #kidsoffnauru campaign would appear to have broken the resolve of the Coalition Government to maintain strong border security. Now Scott Morrison has pledged to have all children off Nauru by years end, while he stated they won’t settle here that is highly unlikely. It opens up a potential new sales pitch to the people smugglers and is a further sign the Morrison Government is without policy direction and is focused only on political survival.

National Party probe targets fascists recruited to its ranks – Daily Telegraph
Nationals ban 22 members for life after investigation into neo-Nazi links – SMH
‘White supremacist’ signs declaring ‘it’s okay to be white’ appear outside MPs’ offices – ABC News
Ross Cameron Sacked From Sky News
Labor Denies It Will Remove Gender from Birth Certificates
Legacy war: Turnbull threat to haunt Morrison – The Australian
Should Scott Morrison Remove All Asylum Seeker Children from Nauru By Year’s End?
Dutton: Resettling Asylum Seekers In New Zealand Would Trigger People Smuggling

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