
Joining me again on a Friday night is the Unshackled’s Editor at Large and international affairs expert Steele Archer to discuss the week overseas. Steele briefly touches upon the change in Australian Prime Minister and what he sees as the ramifications.

We discuss the latest on the situation for whites in South African with the government now implementing farm seizures without compensation. While most of the media and political class have ignored this issue President Donald Trump tweeted that he would have his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to look into potential human rights abuses.

We also explain a bizarre event that happened on the Unshackled’s Facebook page where many of our posts were mysteriously disappearing not long after they were published. We noticed the same thing was happening to our alt-media friends and affiliates and wondered if this was the latest implementation of the current social media deplatforming of right wing voices. Facebook blamed a bug for this occurrence but we still have our suspicions.

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