
The tragic death of conservative youth activist Wilson Gavin this week after incurring the wrath of the social justice mob as again demonstrated the toxicity of the current political climate and discourse. Reflecting on this and other similar news on this week’s Uncuckables is Tim Wilms Editor in Chief of The Unshackled, David Hiscox Editor of the XYZ and Ben Shand the Dusty Bogan.

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Wilson Gavin was the President of the University of Queensland Liberal National Party Club. Due to the club promoting national socialist economic policies he had been expelled from the Liberal National Party and the club disaffiliated. After protesting a drag queen storytime at a City of Brisbane library a social media pile-on saw him die at a train station the next day.

Wilson was a homosexual himself but was a catholic conservative and campaigned against same-sex marriage in 2017. The LGBT movement in death tried to claim him as one of their own even though they had been leading much of bullying and harassment against him online.

There has been outrage at a private home in rural Victoria flying the Nazi flag. Some are calling for displaying the symbol to be banned, even though the knock-on effect on free speech with demands to ban more offensive symbols would be significant.

The social media spamming blaming climate change, Scott Morrison and Rupert Murdoch for the bushfires continues. The rest of the mainstream media amplify this spamming is having the effect of distorting our democracy with the Morrison Government now behind in the first Newspoll of the year.

It is awards season with the Oscar nominations announced. Joker has received 11 nominations, there are the usual complaints not enough women and people of colour were nominated. The Unshackled has also begun its annual Unshackler Awares commemorating the best and worst contributions to 2019.


MSM and SJW’s murder conservative activist – XYZ
Drag Queen Protester Persecutor Is a Marxist Activist – TU
2019 Australian Regressive Of The Year Award – TU
2019 Australian Patriot Of The Year Award – TU
Malcolm Turnbull’s column in Time magazine on our bushfires – “We must not waste this climate crisis” – Michael Smith News
Nazi flag taken down amid calls to strengthen anti-vilification laws – ABC

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