
Last week the drummer of Foo Fighters Taylor Hawkins died in Columbia at age 50 where the band was performing as part of their latest world tour. After looking into the death it appears that Voldemort caused it. If you don’t know what I mean by that then it’s a reference to something that I can’t say because it will get this article suppressed, so I’m just saying Voldemort instead (Voldemort is a character from Harry Potter whose name cannot be said out loud.)

Hawkins’ death is another famous person who has died since Voldemort began his own world tour in 2021, just like Shane Warne Hawkins experienced chest pains before his death. We have seen many famous people die recently, more than usual, and their ages have been younger than the median life expectancy. It’s interesting because Voldemort was released in 2021, the same time we are seeing these changes. Is it just a coincidence? It’s not, and what about all the nonfamous people who are dying? We don’t hear about them because they aren’t famous so don’t make the news. But I bet there are tons of them.

One stat that would be good to research is how many people died of heart attacks in 2019 compared with 2021. I think a simple call to a heart doctor would get an accurate result. Ask ‘are you seeing more people die and more patients come in these days when compared to 2019?’ Is business booming for them basically? Their answer would tell a lot. I’ve heard too much talk from people that know someone who has now got heart problems after getting Voldemort.

We ain’t stupid we know whats going on. This is all a part of the communist world government’s depopulation operation. Have a look at this graph from the United Nations. It shows births vs deaths and it shows its future predictions going to 2090.


Naturally there are supposed to be plenty more births than deaths, and we can see that early in the graph. But as the years go on births decrease, and deaths increase, and we end up in 2090 with only a little bit more births than deaths.

How the hell is the UN predicting this? What makes them think births will decrease and deaths will increase so much? Do they have access to secret knowledge? Well, maybe they are in on the Voldemort operation. They know how Voldemort will affect future statistics. Voldemort appears to decrease women’s fertility, and increase deaths. So Voldemort could be the reason for this stat changing. And if I look into the future knowing Voldemort’s effects I would make a graph predicting a similar result.

The communists are obsessed with depopulation and I think they have worked out a fantastic secret way to stop world population growth forever. But looking at this graph and the fact that Voldemort hasn’t gone away and infrastructure has been put in just assuming that new strains will always keep coming, sadly it does look like we will never go back to the 2019 world.

They think they have to reduce the population forever, they can’t just run a covert death program for 3 years and give up. They are going to be doing this forever, seriously, Voldemort won’t go away according to this graph. We have to factor this in when making plans for the future. In 2090 we will still be having to put up with special passports, quarantine camps, police states, and high rates of heart attacks. They want this forever and they are in charge of our governments and corporations. This is the 1984 utopia the communists want.

We know the Foo Fighters got Voldemort because they played in Geelong recently, and Victoria is hardcore pro-Voldemort and wouldn’t have let them in regardless of how famous they are if they refused to get it, they didn’t let Novak Djokovic in the most famous tennis star in the world

In fact the Foo Fighters were so pro-covid vaccine to attend their concerts you either had to be vaccinated or show proof of a negative test. The band hasn’t made a statement about Hawkins’ cause of death and if it was heart-related then that would make sense because they are not wanting to encourage conspiracy theories, they must be anti conspiracies and then we get these news reports with references to chest pains.


Now it was also said that there were all these drugs in the hotel room. If this wasn’t a rockstar that would be unusual. I guess that’s how they live. If he had a dangerous habit then he would have died much younger like most drug addicts musos do, so I don’t think it was the drugs. Clearly, the guy must have been sensible with his drug use and used them but not to a point of them killing him. Many many people use drugs in a safe way. So I don’t think the drugs caused his death, I think it’s obvious what caused it.

But we have to factor in that maybe the chest pains were very painful (which I’ve heard they are) and that might have forced him to take some heavy amounts of drugs to kill the pain, and then these drugs could have ended up killing him. But still, the real cause of the death is Voldemort even if technically it was a drug overdose. Since news broke the cause of death hasn’t been mentioned but sometimes it’s not known until an investigation is done which could take months. For now, we know what happened…

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