
I totally bought into Trump and thought he was great during the 2016 election, but then I looked deeper into the guy and discovered that he was just the lesser of two evils, better than the Clintons but still a part of the corrupt establishment. He’s not really a rebel, his administration was full of CIA guys.


There are many photos of Trump with Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s girlfriend whose now in jail.

To understand the enigma of Trump you have to understand how Western intelligence (CIA) controls both political parties and many of the candidates in those parties. They don’t just pick one candidate and make that guy win the election, they actually pick many. That way one of their guys is always guaranteed to win the election and never an outsider. But then more does occur in this covert election tampering operation. Once the race to the presidency has only a few of their puppets remaining, they then pick the one they think will be best for the country, and help make that guy win. They promote the hell out of that person while sabotaging the other candidate’s campaign. 

Elections are fake, like scripted wrestling matches when the CIA is involved.

It doesn’t mean that the political candidate they are sabotaging or screwing up (Trump for example) is not one of their guys, no not at all, the fact that he got that far into the election race indicates he’s probably controlled. It just means that they would prefer that that puppet didn’t win. Trump’s 2020 campaign is a good example of this, and so was Scott Morrison’s campaign in the 2022 Australian federal election. Scott was clearly a government puppet but he didn’t get much help with winning that election. They turned him into the bad boy with fake feminism scandals, helped Albanese with white propaganda and then he lost the election. A similar thing happened to Nixon who was about as CIA as you can get, after years of helping him they then switched and backstabbed him and screwed him over with Watergate so that all government problems could be blamed on him, the Vietnam War etc and then the other party could win the next election, a party they also controlled. This is how they play the game, it’s how politics really works, scandals are invented. 

This is the source of the anti Trump agenda we see in the media, the blatant Trump bullying and the Russiagate hoax. It’s that simple. The CIA has selected him to be the guy who fails.

I have done a thorough investigation of Trump while I was investigating Russiagate. I wanted to find out if it was actually true or bullshit. I didn’t find much connecting him to Russian intelligence, which really was a major hoax the CIA set up but what really interested me was that I noticed he had way more influence from American intelligence. Looking into his background, his connections and the people involved with his election campaign, it appears that he is a CIA guy, he’s totally controlled by the American establishment. Not as much as Hillary though, the Clintons are so CIA it’s not funny, but Trump is not the outsider or rebel I once thought he was. I think he’s just another puppet of the corrupt system, albeit a very different one to the usual politician.

For one he’s got guys around him who seem to be CIA, going way back into his past. Roger Stone is clearly CIA, he’s got an intelligence background, worked for Nixon and Reagan etc. It seems that the CIA use him to “help” political candidates they are setting up to fail as Stone has a bad boy reputation. If Trump was a legit rebel he would have worked with someone like Rand Paul or Dr Ben Carson, true outsiders who are self-made and haven’t had special help in their careers. They stand for what is right and actual American ideas, he shouldn’t have picked Pence as a running mate and all these guys on his campaign team who are deep state. Why did he pick them? 


A young Roger Stone with President Nixon.

Here is some more data that might change your opinion of Trump:  Trump supported the Democratic Party years ago, he’s hung out with the Clintons, he’s hired immigrants to work for him, he played a lot of golf while president even though he criticised other presidents for doing so and when he moved into Palm Beach he pissed off the conservatives in the area with his multicultural and liberal ways at Mar a Lago. Oh and he is very pro zionist.


Trump playing golf with Bill Clinton a Democrat and who was heavily involved with Epstein and Maxwell.

Trump was also friends with Epstein and Maxwell and you know who they were, Mossad, which is CIA. They ran a sex blackmail operation that controlled influential Western people. There are all these photos of Trump with them, he partied with them, lived in New York and Palm Beach both places where Epstein also lived and Epstein’s house wasn’t far from Mar A Lago. And there was a rape accusation by a woman who said that Trump raped her at an Epstein party, she was 13 at the time. It’s also possible Trump worked to cover up the truth about Epstein while he was president, he hired someone who previously worked to protect Epstein when he was last in trouble for pedophile stuff. So could Trump be an Epstein blackmail victim? If he is that means he is a CIA puppet. This would explain why he has CIA guys all around him and why he was allowed to win the presidency the first time, and then didn’t do much about the rigged vote count in the second election. It explains why he didn’t live up to all the hype, why he promoted the covid vaccine etc. Think about it.

Youtube vid about Trumps rape accusation.

Have I started to change your mind about Trump? Let’s take this further, Trump used to have this famous lawyer back when he was starting out in his career. A man called Roy Cohen. Rumours are this lawyer ran a sex blackmail operation for the CIA and was a homosexual pedophile. So before the days of Epstein Trump had a lawyer which was involved in an operation that was similar to Epsteins, probably the forerunner of it. Apparently, it would compromise powerful men and even had J Edgar Hoover the FBI boss compromised. I think it was clearly a CIA op to control powerful Americans and the organisations they controlled. This is how the CIA would stop the FBI from investigating and shutting down their dodgy criminal operations of which there are many that the public does not know about. The Wikipedia page for Cohen says that he died from AIDS, that Trump was his client and friend and that he had diamond cuff links given to him by Trump. Cohen was also a mentor to Roger Stone. It is very strange that Trump was friends with Cohen and Epstein, it makes you wonder if Trump was just hiring a talented lawyer for legal help or if he has been a CIA blackmailed puppet since the 70s.


Trump pumps CIA war propaganda with anti-Chinese and pro-Israel statements just like what the mainstream media forces onto us. The Murdoch media pumped Trump up with its Fox and Sky News, he was marketed to the bad boy anti-PC rebel crowd. He’s been marketed to the alt right which is in fashion these days. And you know who the Murdoch media is? Yeh CIA. Look into Murdoch’s past, he didn’t get so big so quickly without help. He is a huge international Western government propaganda operation. Why would Murdoch’s media(CIA) have helped Trump get elected? Think about it. All these points connect and make sense when we look at the whole guy’s life. Mainstream media attack pieces can be used to promote someone, think about it, they sure made me like Trump more the fact that the mainstream media were against him. It buys him support from the anti government crowds.

There are so many conspiracies and dodgy things the government is doing yet Trump doesn’t mention them. 9/11, the CIA importing drugs, America creating the covid virus and pedophile blackmail cults but no mention from Trump. And Wikileaks helped him get elected by leaking bad data about Hillary Clinton. I find this extremely interesting. Wikileaks is another potentially controlled opposition run by the CIA. Wikileaks helped Trump be accused of being a Russian agent, they were a part of the Russiagate hoax. It’s all very sus. 

Trump was also turned into a conspiracy cult called Q Anon. All these conspiracy theorists got tricked into thinking that Trump was really saving the world from pedophiles and was secretly in power all along even though in real life he was up to his eyeballs in problems and was powerless. Q Anon appears to be a CIA created controlled opposition designed to dirty and mislead conspiracy theorists and Trump fans. A very clever operation and I think it’s interesting because again we get Trump connected in some sort of way to a CIA operation. Was the CIA feeding him stuff to say in speeches that would inspire his Q Anon fans?

Remember the CIA are experts at infiltrating and creating their own enemies then controlling them, sabotaging them and using them for their own agendas, it’s 5D chess.

I am suggesting here that Trump is like Obama, a trick. Obama tricked the black community into thinking he represented change, he got in and nothing changed, he was just a good talker. And so it is with Trump although he’s far more entertaining to listen to. He tricked the right wing community into thinking he could deliver change and wasn’t part of the system, but all along he was just another establishment candidate that can’t make any real changes. It is very likely he is CIA(deep state) whether he knows it or not. He might be legit, but by allowing himself to be so heavily CIA infiltrated and manipulated he has become essentially a CIA puppet. He’s playing the role they want. And now this election he’s going to suck votes and media attention away from DeSantis and RFK that would make for great presidents. Well such is life. 

P.S. There also seems to be a strange relationship between Trump and his daughter Ivanka. He has openly said she is sexy multiple times and it sounds legit. Just google it. If he is a sex freak this contributes to the theory he is a blackmailed puppet of Epstein, truth is always stranger than fiction.


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