
With the rise of tabloid newspapers and gossip magazines in the United Kingdom in the 1980s, the private lives of the British Royal Family became the biggest stories the general public was interested in consuming.

The royal family had always had an extremely aristocratic and traditionalist image and reputation. The breakdown of Prince Charles and Princess Diana’s marriage in the 1990s and extra-marital affairs of them and other family members shattered the long-held perceptions that the British monarchy was the moral custodian of the United Kingdom.

After Princess Diana’s death in 1997, many asked the question: could the British monarchy survive in the 21st century? Attention was drawn to the next generation of royals, specifically Charles and Diana’s two sons: heir to the throne Prince William, and younger brother Prince Harry.

Both William and Harry were eager to earn their titles in their own right. Both joined the British Armed Forces and eventually rose to the rank of Major in the British Army.

While Prince William’s personality and public persona was more in line with traditional royal customs, Prince Harry quickly gained the reputation of being the most modern and relatable royal to the younger generation.

The Everyman’s Prince

Harry not only worked hard but played hard. The tabloids labelled him the bad-boy Prince or the larrikin royal. In 2005, he caused much triggering when he attended a fancy dress party wearing a Nazi armband.


Dubbed the world’s most eligible bachelor with handsome looks, he became a well-known ladies’ man. Tabloids relished publishing party photos of him groping female friends and the global internet went into meltdown in 2012 when nude photographs emerged of him partying in Las Vegas.


But Prince Harry’s partying was always a well deserved rest from his intense military service. He served the British people overseas on the frontline in Afghanistan in two separate tours. Harry also wanted to serve in the war in Iraq but the British Armed Forced believed the risk of kidnapping was far too great to deploy him.

Prince Harry, to show solidarity with other veterans of the Armed Forces, founded the Invictus Games in 2014, a sporting competition for wounded veterans and other service personnel as a way to continue to honor and remember their military service. It was certainly a worthy initiative.

The Search for Harry’s Princess

His older brother William settled down with long-time girlfriend Kate Middleton in 2011 with a globally watched royal wedding. The question then turned to: would Harry ever make the same life commitment?

Harry certainly had the global female population to choose from. A reality television show aired in 2014 featuring a Prince Harry look-a-like seeking a Princess titled ‘I Wanna Marry Harry’. Young female fans gushed over him as they do with boy-band members.

In November 2016, it was confirmed by Kensington Palace that Prince Harry was dating American actress Meghan Markle. A year later, their engagement was announced, followed by another globally covered royal wedding.

It was considered a sign of just how modern the British royal family had become, that a Prince was marrying an American divorcee. In 1936, King Edward VIII was forced to abdicate to his younger brother King George VI (Harry’s great grandfather) because of his desire to marry American divorcee Wallis Simspon (they remained married until George’s death).

Meghan Markle was also half African-American; the identitarians and intersectionality adherents viewed it as stunning progress that the previously Anglo-European and white-privileged British royal family would now produce some non-white family members.

The Cucking Begins

It was not Meghan’s family, her race or her divorced status that made her soon the most reviled royal family member after Prince Andrew, but that she successfully cucked the most alpha, chad, masculinely perfect man the British royal family had ever produced.

The Prince’s cucking began in July with Harry and Meghan proclaiming in an interview with Vogue Magazine they intended to fight the effects of climate change by only having two children. Harry already believed we were in a climate emergency: “we are already living in it. We are the frog in the water and it’s already been brought to the boil.”

It was revealed a month later that Harry and Meghan still used private jets for their overseas travel, a practice that leaves a larger carbon footprint than if they plane-pooled with the common folk on commercial fights.

Harry and Meghan’s African Tour

But it was Prince Harry and Meghan Markel’s tour of Southern Africa which revealed just how cucked he’d become. His tour of the Republic of South Africa was noteworthy for what did not occur.

He and Meghan did not acknowledge or show any concern for the white farmers in South Africa (former British subjects) who are being systematically tortured and genocided. The nation is on the verge of anarchy in its major cities with attacks by the local black population targeting other black African immigrants.

Harry and Meghan only promoted the rainbow nation image of South Africa, that the nation was healed completely post-Apartied. They visited local charities and mental-health facilities for countless photo-ops.

We also learned during Harry’s South Africa visit that he and Meghan aren’t just simply virtue-signaling alarm about climate change, but the Prince actually suffers from the newly discovered anxiety disorder, eco-anxiety.

18-year-old student Peter Oki, who met Harry at an event, told the UK Daily Telegraph, “Harry said that he often woke up and felt overwhelmed by too many problems in the world and that sometimes it’s hard to get out of bed in the mornings because of all the issues, but he wanted to use their platform to enable grass-roots change and to try and create a better society”.

Harry is also a fan of Greta Thunberg and the student climate strikes. He confessed in Botswana, “This last week, the world’s children are striking. There is an emergency, it’s a race against time and one in which we are losing. And everyone knows it. There is no excuse for not knowing that I think the most troubling part of it is – I don’t believe there is anybody in this world that can deny science, undeniable science and facts.”

Harry was eager to talk up Botswana as well as Africa as a whole, claiming he had a special connection to the continent: “I came here in 1997, 1998 straight after my mum died, so it was a nice place to get away from it all.” But now he felt deeply connected to this place and to Africa as it gave him, “a sense of escapism . . . a real sense of purpose”.

Prince Harry’s talking up of Africa is virtue-signalling in its purist form. The task for Harry now is if he does want to solve the world’s problems, many of them in Africa, actions speak louder than words. His social-justice cousins have spent decades in Africa trying to fix poverty, corruption and violence, but their philosophy and efforts have failed repeatedly. Harry should take note of that.

Like Father, Like Son

Since his ginger hair became noticeable, it was long rumored his real father was not Prince Charles but former British cavalry officer James Hewitt. He and Princess Diana had an affair from 1986 to 1991, however Prince Harry was born in 1984.

But Prince Harry’s new social-justice climate obsession and anxiety clearly prove that Prince Charles is his father. Harry’s campaigning on this political issue of climate change mitigation is a case of like father, like son. Charles in 2008 made a speech to the European Parliament calling on the globalist body to take leadership of action on climate change.

Harry and Meghan Fight Back

The British tabloids, however, are still interested in reporting royal gossip more than the fact another member of the royal family is now a political activist. As a result, most of what has been published about Meghan Markle involves alleged royal feuds and her estranged relationships with her own family members.

In an indication the Prince’s Cucking appears to be life-long, Harry and Meghan are now suing the Daily Mail for publishing a private handwritten letter Meghan wrote to her father after he did not attend the royal wedding. His non-attendance came after revelations he was staging photographs of Meghan to sell for money to the tabloids.

The Prince, in announcing the legal action on Tuesday, was scathing of the British press. He stressed the importance of “objective, truthful reporting” and state, “we have never needed responsible media more”.

Harry said the reality of the media was in the “current press campaign my wife has become one of the latest victims of a British tabloid press that wages campaigns against individuals with no thought to the consequences”.

He accused them of vilifying “her almost daily for the past nine months; they have been able to create lie after lie at her expense simply because she has not been visible while on maternity leave” and he had been a “silent witness to her private suffering”.

Prince Harry said his “deepest fear is history repeating itself”, comparing the press’s treatment of his wife Meghan to his mother Princess Diana: “I’ve seen what happens when someone I love is commoditised to the point that they are no longer treated or seen as a real person. I lost my mother and now I watch my wife falling victim to the same powerful forces”.

Prince Harry has also joined a group litigation against the Sun and Mirror newspaper groups over celebrity phone-hacking, which was a widespread practice by the British press until the downfall of the NewsCorp-owned News of the World newspaper.

But tabloid media games and celebrate lawsuits against the press which are clogged up the courts for years are all a distraction from real problems with British Royal Family.

Future of the British Monarchy?

Traditional support for the British monarchy in the UK and the Commonwealth of Nations has come from the conservative or right side of politics. They have viewed the system of constitutional monarchy as a safeguard against the total control of their nation by political elites and corruption.

This view of constitutional monarchy has been shaped by the reign of Queen Elizabeth II who has been on the throne since 1952 and is well into her 90s now. She has never been political, nor caused embarrassment to her Kingdom and realm.

When Queen Elizabeth’s reign eventually comes to an end, in her place will be a new generation of royals who are social-justice political activists. This will put at rish the longstanding national unifying role the monarchy has had in Britain.


Former UKIP Leader and Brexit Party Founder Nigel Farage called Harry the “prince of wokeness,” noting his popularity had “fallen off a cliff” since meeting Meghan. Farage claimed he was still a “big royalist” and wished the Queen to reign for many more years.

The British House of Cards sequel ‘To Play the King’ depicts the Prime Minister Francis Urquhart coming into conflict with a ‘woke’ new King whose social-justice views see him interfering in political matters, causing a constitutional crisis. This could play out in real life with the future kings. It may in 10 or 20 years’ time be Royalixt after Brexit.

But the overall disturbing message should be from the Prince’s Cucking: if this can happen to one of the most alpha, masculine men in the whole of the world, then it can happen to any man.

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