
You’ve got to laugh at this.

In their struggle to remain relevant and regain some cashflow, mainstream corporate media moguls in Australia banded together and demanded that Facebook pay them for every time somebody shared one of their news articles on the site, claiming the shared links/pics as private intellectual property.

Facebook responded by just blocking all Australian news media from being shared or accessed by anybody on its servers, essentially making the increasingly less credible and irrelevant news media companies even more irrelevant.

In a bid to get “back on the air” is now trying to appeal to big-tech’s interest in hoodwinking the public into getting injected with big pharma drugs.

They’ll say anything and everything to have this ban lifted. Editors won’t be sleeping for a few days. Everyday they remain banned is a day they lose thousands of potential paying subscribers and millions of dollars in lost advertising, while millions of Australians go virtually unaffected by their propaganda online. Imagine the panic in the newsrooms.

But it doesn’t take a genius to understand why Facebook reacted the way it did. Allowing Australian media to claim payment for intellectual property every time their content was shared on Facebook by anyone would’ve created a chain reaction around the world, media companies small and large in every country in the world would’ve followed suit. Facebook would’ve lost billions, every week and soon enough, every day.

This event marks a new world-wide precedent of irony, pioneered by the greed and stupidity of the so-called “academia”; the institutional-class “news and law makers” and petty-bourgeois leftists of Australia.

It’s especially ironic when only just a few years ago, journalists working for these media companies cheered on Facebook’s widespread banning and censorship of political dissidents in Australia, claiming that was somehow a victory for them.

I suppose the censorship giveth, and the censorship taketh away.

Since every truly right-wing or nationalist figure, commentator or decent independent journalist was already banned from Facebook years ago, the new Facebook ban on all Australian news applies almost exclusively to Leftists and state media journalists, all of whom worked aggressively over the past few years lobbying Facebook to ban all of their critics and ideological opponents.

Unfortunately, this won’t be a permanent feature, it’s more of a temporary defensive statement by Facebook but we can still enjoy the irony of it all. And who knows, perhaps some of the useful idiots affected by this news ban might be prompted to rethink their support of corporate censorship, as well as their pandering to international technocrats and their “community standards”.

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