Todd Sampson Mirror Mirror Interview

It was disappointing but I’m not at all surprised. When I saw Sampson promoting “Mirror Mirror” on “The Project” I knew it was likely to be garbage.

Sampson demonstrated through this “documentary” that all he cares about is maintaining his TV career.

Nationalist group leader Thomas Sewell was meant to be featured but was instead replaced at the last minute with an Indian “reformed QAnon” guy nobody has heard of.

Sampson didn’t ask the guy any meaningful questions or explore why the majority of “conspiracies” actually turn out to be facts, he just acted like every theory alternative to government messaging and TV propaganda is “dangerous and hateful” –that was essentially one of the major themes of that whole segment. 

Sampson successfully contributed to an ongoing effort towards making small communities of people discussing alternative stuff online seem harmful and divisive, while failing to address how TV news media was literally just used to divide, sterilise or euthanise the entire Australian population.

That “forced vaccine” programme peddled by the government and TV media literally turned families against one another and destroyed thousands of businesses, caused heart attacks and central nervous system disorders, drove people to suicide, etc.. but Sampson just acted as though that never even happened and online conspiracy theories are a far more serious threat to humanity than the pharmaceutical industry and its TV media partners.

I probably should mention that when I met Sampson for this “doco”, he admitted that he wasn’t “vaccinating” his kids because he thought the vaccine was “potentially deadly” and he “didn’t trust the pharmaceutical companies”.


Why not explore that subject on TV? Because Sampson knows he’d be swiftly cancelled for challenging the mantra of the international pharmaceutical industry.

That’s Australian TV media culture for you. The talking heads are paid to act like real social problems and real corporate crimes don’t exist and don’t happen, while they distract you with irrelevant nonsense or trick you into believing your neighbours or anonymous social media trolls are the real threat to your rights and personal security.

The whole doco seemed to serve no purpose other than to try to convince the viewer that the internet is dangerous and TV news should always be the primary source of information for the masses. It also of course demands more social media regulation (read: more censorship), particularly to “fight hate”.

There wasn’t any mention of the already rampant political censorship online. Social media is already heavily regulated by social media companies, they just don’t really care about children being groomed, addiction, cam girls, scams and rip-offs, porn, drugs etc.

The primary purpose of social media regulation is to make sure as few people as possible can access and understand alternative information, so international corporate swindling, genocide and general tyranny can continue without anybody ever knowing or understanding it.

It’s about information control by controlling what news and perspectives people can get access to, and that’s the only sort of serious regulation you’re ever going to see on social media.

But nobody should be surprised by the failure of “Mirror Mirror” to seriously address or produce anything. You’ll never get any valuable information from out of a Television, just propaganda designed to delude and distract.

The European Australian Movement has published its recording of Thomas Sewell’s discussion with Todd Sampson which was omitted from the final episode aired.

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