South Africans Burn After Stealing Apartment Building

This week an apartment building in Johannesburg South Africa burnt down killing at least 74 people and injuring 52. It likely burnt down due to the dangers caused by overcrowding. The building was overcrowded because it was stolen and illegally occupied by squatters, a fact that the lefty mainstream media is ignoring.
These criminals who stole the building (as would be expected) don’t follow laws in regard to how many people are allowed to live in each apartment. The building was full and packed with criminals, so it doesn’t surprise me that someone accidentally or not started a fire. The lefty western media of course went on about the poor victims of the fire instead of highlighting the fact that this is what happens when you steal a building. Many buildings in South Africa get stolen because there is no law and order these days after communists conquered and destabilised the nation.
Leftists kicked up a fuss if blacks were arrested, so the police couldn’t do their job and the civilisation collapsed to what it is today. South Africa is a dangerous place with gangs roaming the land committing killings and stealing buildings. This is why many white South Africans have migrated to Australia since the 90s. Nelson Mandela’s “fantastic” new rainbow government without any apartheid was never fantastic, it ruined the country and led to a boom in crime, yet the leftists in the West continue to make out that Nelson Mandela was a hero. He really was just a communist terrorist which thankfully the former badass right-wing CIA helped get arrested in the 1960s.
The reason I write articles like this is because right now in Western countries leftists are trying to stop police from arresting blacks. Alice Springs today has become a ghost town after alcoholic Aboriginals have taken over and youth gangs run rampant. Why? The ABC won’t say this but it’s because the Police and justice system have gone along with the lefts agenda and are not arresting blacks.

Just today a black shoplifter in America refused to be arrested, failed to turn her car engine off and then dangerously drove off in her car while a policeman was standing in front of it. This led to shots from the policeman for his safety which then killed her. Leftists are calling for the policeman to get into trouble when he was only doing his job. The criminal in the situation is treated like the innocent and the cop is treated like the criminal.
Why have I never had a cop arrest me on the floor with his knee on my neck like George Floyd? Well because I don’t break the law and if I did I wouldn’t do what George Floyd did, that being resisting arrest. If you resist arrest you are asking for trouble. That’s a dangerous game. These criminals are causing their own deaths and the leftist media are blaming it on so-called “racist” police.
This sort of sick leftist behaviour of attacking good and normal police operations has to stop because if it doesn’t eventually criminal gangs will steal our apartment buildings here too. This will not be confined to just South Africa, our whole civilisation will become third world. When it comes to right and wrong behaviour, or the law, never listen to what a leftist has to say, and don’t let their biased reporting of events influence your opinions.