Israel Folau has raised two million dollars in under two days.

Last night at 8.30pm the Israel Folau fighting fund had reached two million dollars in under two days.

I was on Twitter when Gofundme decided to cave to the leftist mob and cancel Folau’s original fundraiser. The gloating was something to behold. The activists, journalists and grievance mongers were almost dancing for joy. They openly mocked Folau, his beliefs and his efforts to fund his legal costs. They laughed when his wife Maria missed a vital shot in the netball game that night. They congratulated each other endlessly on their cleverness and superiority and revelled in their power to shut down the struggles of those who might disagree with them. One ABC personality went on Sky News to declare that Australian society as a whole should be working to “extinguish” the evil views of Christians like Folau. They were all very self-satisfied, all very happy indeed as they laughed at the thought of all those stupid religious people who had pledged their money for nothing.

They aren’t laughing anymore.

Folau in conjunction with the Australian Christian Lobby has raised two million dollars in under two days. 32 hours to be exact. The Left has stopped laughing and started squealing in panic, complaining to the charities commission that this must surely be against the rules somehow. They screech like wounded rats as they demand that this man that they had declared to be an unperson, a pariah unworthy of society, be banned somehow from defending himself.

Folau in response has declared himself to be humbled by the support and has posted on his Instagram account that he appreciates the backing of all who have stood up for him and especially that of those who disagree with his beliefs but have stood against the bullies regardless.

They have taken his job and his his livelihood, they have smeared his name in every publication and media outlet in at least two countries, they have attempted to stop him from raising funds to defend himself and they have harassed his wife and tried to have her sacked for refusing to denounce him.

The Quiet Australians who voted in Scott Morrison don’t like this, and have spoken again (although of course this time Morrison is too cowardly to listen). The panicked screams of the Left don’t matter. Two million dollars in under two days, and it’s still coming.

After Christ was tried by the High priests the Temple police and the Teachers of the law mocked him, bound him so he was unable to defend himself, blindfolded him and beat him while laughing that as an alleged prophet he should have been able to see and avoid the blows.

Within forty years the Emperor Vespasian tore down the Temple and all the High priests, Temple police and Teachers of the law were scattered to the four corners of the earth in exile to spend countless generations wandering in lamentation for the grandeur of their lost Jerusalem.

We can only hope good Lord is as just to those who mock Folau now.

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