Dan Andrew’s Crash With Cyclist IS SUPER DODGY!

Years ago before Dan Andrews became Premier he was involved in a car accident with a cyclist. A cyclist was hit and got badly injured, apparently, Dan’s wife was the driver at the time. After looking into this incident it appears to be full of holes. I smell a rat and I bet you Dan has done something criminal again like he usually does. Below I will mention the odd things about this accident and I will also mention my conspiracy theory about what really happened. I’m going to tell you what I think is the truth.

Why did Dan straight after the accident say that he had been at the sailing club yet later on firmly stick with the statement that he had been at the beach?
Why was Dan so concerned for his family in the moments after the crash and not the cyclist who just got hit by the car and clearly needed help?
Why did Dan and his family leave the accident site so quickly?
Why did Dan say that their car was t-boned by a cyclist when in fact the cyclist hit the car from the front and evidence of this is clear in the photos of the smashed car windscreen?
Why was there no police interview of the cyclist?
Why did the police interview with Dan Andrews occur one month later not on the day or the days following the crash?
And the big one, why was there no police breath test for the driver?

Now let’s hear my theory as to what happened, it will explain all the doggies we see above. Dan was drunk and hit the cyclist, it wasn’t his wife driving. Men usually drive the family car and Dan likes to have a drink, we know this about him, he gets on beers. So he was drunk driving and hit a cyclist. Well now this had to be covered up, but the scandal would have ended his career and got him into many legal problems. So he made sure he and his family got away from the scene quickly so that no breath testing could occur, he also had to tell everyone that his wife was driving, not him. Next was that he had to downplay the accident and make out that the cyclist t-boned the car when he didn’t, makes it look more like the cyclist was at fault and not driver. Enabled Dan to play a bit of a victim card when the media asked tough questions.
Dan and his wife made out that the whole thing was horrific and it was offensive to ask them questions about the event. Then he had to lie about where he was before the accident, lunch might involve drinks as they are licensed at the sailing club where they really were, so he had to say they were simply at the beach on the sand where there was no alcohol being served. Dan then had to delay the police interview to make sure his story was straight when they finally spoke with him. He really needed to cult his advisers and lawyers and think the whole thing over otherwise if he stuffed up his career would be over.
Now the next part of my theory dives into police corruption. How did he get the cops to not breath test anyone and delay the interview and not interview the cyclist at all?
Well here is my theory, the police offered a deal, we will let you off on this one if you play ball with us. So after that, Dan Andrew the politician was now bought and paid for by the police. And if you look into Andrews years as our premier I imagine you will find that he does whatever the police want. He certainly isn’t anti-the police state. Speeding cameras, increased cop numbers, increased funding, technology upgrades, I’m sure it’s all there, although I haven’t got the time to lay out the evidence here. Maybe you could look into that. Yes I bet you Dans working for the top cops and not the people of Victoria.
So that’s my theory, he was drunk driving and hit the cyclist, and it would have ruined his career, so he had to cover it up, and lie directly to everyone as he always does. He had no choice but to play ball with the police and cut a deal to be let off from the crime he just committed. Of course I couldn’t prove this in the court of law, but after looking at the odd things to do with this accident it’s the only thing that makes sense. The police are known to play ball with criminals, like letting them free from jail if they spy on bikies or the mafia or something like that. They really do this, honestly it’s normal police behaviour, so do you think this might be what happened to Dan in 2013?