Western Governments’ DoubleThink Rampage About China Covid Protests


Chinese cities are amazingly under lockdown again, wow, just wow, and its citizens are protesting which is what would be expected given they are thrown into covid camps if they test positive and trapped inside their apartment towers if anyone inside tests positive inside.

Yet strangely western governments are criticizing China for trying to shut down these protests. These are the same governments that did brutal things to the covid freedom protesters. Western governments did the exact same thing earlier this year and during the massive covid protests last year, in fact, they did worse. Australian covid protesters got zapped by police crowd control electronic weaponry that left people with weird sunburns and headaches during the Canberra protests in February.

How dare they have the nerve to criticise China for not allowing peaceful protests, this is the pot calling the kettle black. It’s a perfect example of doublethink. I couldn’t think of a more perfect example of doublethink than the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau criticizing China for shutting down the protests recently.

Check out this RT News report below which exposes the hypocrisy perfectly. Our politicians really just read out what their handlers tell them to and never speak their own personal opinion. They are totally fake and anything they say cannot be trusted. They are zombie robots of the disgusting leftist world government.


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