Binary Australia Launches to Fight Push to Abolish Gender
After same sex marriage became law in Australia almost a year ago radical LGBT activists have moved onto a new campaign, to abolish gender in Australian law. This is being done under the guise of compassion for transgender people, but it is more to do with accommodating new gender identities, non-binary genders and promoting the concept of gender fluidity.
This campaign in just under a year has been able to co-op the policy of Australia’s two left wing parties, Labor and the Greens. In Tasmania Labor and Greens teamed up with a rogue state Liberal MP to change state law so that gender is now op-in on children’s birth certificates. Labor also has in its draft national platform a pledge to implement the Yogyakarta Principles plus 10 where gender identity would be legally defined by a person’s self identification with no other biological requirements needed.
Most disturbingly the push to degender society is now pushed onto young children. This began with the Safe Schools program which tells children gender is whatever they want it to be. In Victoria there is the Respectful Relationships program which teaches that gender norms are dangerous. Many hold these programs responsible for an over 200% increase in children being referred to gender clinics for gender dysphoria.
To fight this assault on gender law a new organisation has been launched Binary Australia. It is a successor organisation to Marriage Alliance which was founded by lawyer, now Australian Conservatives Senate candidate Sophie York, to fight against same sex marriage both before and during the Marriage Law Postal Survey campaign. The Marriage Alliance Facebook page is now promoting Binary Australia.
Binary Australia will be fronted by Kirralie Smith who has been previously more known for her activism against Islamic influence in Australia through Halal Choices, the HAM campaign and her association with the Q Society. However on her social media she has began commenting on the degendering push, including her mock campaign ‘Stop Appropriating My Gender’. Smith was an Australian Liberty Alliance Senate candidate in 2016 and is now an Australian Conservatives Senate candidate.
In the Binary Australia launch video Kirralie Smith focuses on the importance of stopping the indoctrination of children with radical gender theory and standing up for parental rights in education. She concludes by stating they will launch their first campaign in the coming weeks and aims for Binary Australia to become a voice and a movement that cannot be politically ignored.
The Binary Australia website states they want to promote and celebrate the inherent differences between boys and girls, men and women and to uphold the biological assertion that there are two complementary genders. In addition to fighting gender theory in schools they also pledge to fight radical gender ideology being practiced in the workplace, in health care, in the Defence Force and in the political space.
Currently Binary Australia has an email list, a donate button and a news section which has links to the latest degendering efforts from the left and changes in the law. While there has been much dismay and concern from those on right about the continuing abolition of gender in our laws there is not many active politically organized groups opposing it. The pending activism of Binary Australia will be highly anticipated.