Aboriginal Activists Steal Commonwealth Games

After their efforts to destroy Australia Day this year, enabled by the left, Labor and the Greens, the radical Aboriginal activist led by the Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance (WAR) have now turned their sights on attempting to disrupt the Commonwealth Games being held on the Gold Coast, which they call the Stolen Wealth Games.
Despite it being a sporting contest, the fact it is made up of nations that were all once part of the British Empire means these activists deemed the Games to be a legacy of colonialism. They claim sovereignty was never seeded by Aboriginals and that the visiting royals who opened the Games Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla need to ask permission to be on stolen land. They blame the British Royal Family for all the social ills that are currently plaguing Aboriginal communities.
It is worth noting that even nations which struggled for independence from the British Empire such as India and Pakistan are happy to participate in the Games and are not consumed by historical grievances against the Crown. After all these nations’ national sport is cricket, a game they adopted during British colonial rule.
These Aboriginal activists have so far attempted to block the path of the Queen’s baton on the day of the Opening Ceremony with 50 protestors forming a human ‘chain’ across SeaWorld Drive. Police only attempted to negotiate with the protesters before they eventually dispersed.
During the Opening Ceremony itself these same protestors tried to storm the games of Carrara Stadium shouting “no justice, no games” and “we say murder. They say justice”. Police finally took action prevent their attempted disruption. Three protestors were charged after lashing out at police including 20 year old Northern Territory criminal Dylan Voller who despite his history of horrific violence is now the poster boy for Aboriginal oppression and resistance.
Despite the Commonwealth Games having a reconciliation strategy and the Opening Ceremony itself being consumed with tributes to Australia’s Indigenous culture it of course is not enough to satisfy these activists with one of them telling Channel Seven “They’ve stolen the land, built this country on stolen wages, built this country on the blood and bones of our people”.
These Games have been stolen by both the organizers who have put Aboriginal culture as the main representative of Australian culture, despite it being made of many different cultural groups (and yes that includes the majority white culture). It has also been stolen by these Aboriginal activists enabled by the left and local Gold Coast authorities who have accommodated the tent embassy set up by the Brisbane Aboriginal-Sovereign Embassy for the duration of the Games.
No matter how much these activists are placated it is never going to be enough. After all the Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance have previously said F**k everything about Australia and Wayne Wharton the leader of the Brisbane Aboriginal-Sovereign Embassy even said terrorism against white Australia could happen during the Commonwealth Games.
Given that sport is designed to unite the nation and put aside our political differences, the Games organizers led by former Queensland Labor Premier Peter Beattie have made sure these Commonwealth Games are divisive as possible and have sadly distracted attention away from the achievements of athletes who have been training for these Games for years. Let us hope we can put the Opening Ceremony to one side and just focus on hoping Australia (yes we should exist) wins as many gold medals as possible.