
On this week’s WilmsFront featured interview show, I discuss with my guest Rocco Loiacono why the Liberal Party of Australia has lost this year and how they should rebuild in Opposition to win back their base and the wider electorate.

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Rocco Loiacono is a senior lecturer at Curtin University Law School. During the coronavirus tyranny he has written about the role the law should play in defending fundamental rights and freedoms which have been featured in The Spectator Australia, Quadrant Online, The Epoch Times, and The Australian, as well as in The Western Australian Jurist. He is the co-author with Professor Augusto Zimmermann of the book Deconstructing ScoMo. Critical Reflections on Australia’s 30th Prime Minister.

Following the Coalition’s federal election loss Rocco has been writing about how the Liberal Party needs to rebuild both federally and in its state divisions where it is in Opposition. Rocco believes the Coalition needs to be unapologetically conservative in its policies, it should not try and imitate the Teals or be Labor lite.

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