Toxic Politics is Destroying Our Society


-By Philippe Armstrong

In these times people live their lives based on politics. People get so riled up about their political ideologies or favourite political party or movement. It is becoming more noticeable that people cannot live with others who have a different outlook on life or have a different opinion.  People are cancelling friendships, not talking to their neighbours, calling for deplatforming of others or wishing destruction upon someone. Social media has exacerbated this as many now live their lives on these platforms with others in the same ‘tribe’. It is now an us vs them world. Social media is not the issue per se, it is POLITICS that is the issue. Social media is now a platform for cancelling others, inciting others, calling out others, being an activist and trying to destroy others.

Daily we see protests, counter-protests, protests about a protest, and provocateurs going to protests and getting into arguments to put it on social media and stirring up outrage. Oh, look at all these misogynists, far-right or bigots out there. Oh, look at all these fascist Trump supporters and far-right crowds. They live their lives in echo chambers and an us vs them lens.

Take for example the social justice woke movement.  Their goal is to create a better world or a pure world. Do not mix with others who have impure thoughts and are not part of the movement. Call out others who are racists, misogynists or who you think are far-right. Call out others who are not into the cause hard enough. They see the world as those who are pure and those who are impure with unclean thoughts. Those who are unclean and impure must be cleansed and join the movement to get to nirvana. It is an objective to cancel, ridicule, make guilty by association and threaten others who do not agree. If they do not agree with your opinions they are bad people. End of story.

Some media use their platform as a vehicle for social change and to correct behaviours. They must drive the masculinity out of males. They must self flagellate about Australia’s past and its past wrongs must be corrected. Kids must touch the ground and connect to the spiritual First Nations and join the movement to say sorry about everything that happened, none of which was caused by them. Kids must be taught the world is a deeply racist, sexist and dire place and there are threats everywhere.

Politicians and governments can get us to where we need to go. Can they? Last time I checked Australia was 93rd in the economic complexity index and sliding rapidly. Despite Australia drowning in government and bureaucracy,  very highly taxed with everyone micromanaged to an inch of their lives. To get to the woke social justice nirvana everything must be militantly regulated and controlled.

How is the education system working out? Do people think politicians will sort that out? In Australia a child’s prime objective is to be a good little social justice automaton and be an activist trying to perfect the world. History has never tried that before. Utopia will work this time. Napoleon tried it, Pol Pot tried it, Mao tried it, Lenin tried it, Mussolini tried it, and the Greens are trying it. Australia has 1 in 6 children now living in poverty despite a record number of government bureaucrats working on it. Education is going backwards despite record levels of funding. If you are looking at governments as the answer to anything you will be sorely disappointed. Social justice and woke will not get you anywhere. In China they do mathematics,  science and languages.  Australia we do woke and social justice. They build bridges, tunnels, railways, fast trains, skyscrapers, highways, and airports. Australia does social programs and government spending, one woke government department after the next.

The media often distorts, manipulates and twists facts to suit their narrative. By and large the media cannot be trusted. They wish to portray the world through a certain lens and ideology. Over the past five years, far-right and conspiracy theorists were their latest catchcry. People who didn’t support lockdowns, masks and mandated vaccines were called far-right, cookers or conspiracy theorists.  Gatherings of people who were against the enforcement of experimental vaccines were called extremists even though a lot of those gatherings were of people from very diverse backgrounds from all walks of life.

I can understand why children’s mental health has got worse. Being told that the world is deeply racist, misogynist,  bigoted, greedy, that we don’t have much time because of apocalyptic climate change, that 60% of voters who said no to the voice are racists, that Aboriginals in Australia are being terrorised for morbid thrills and that everything about Australia’s past is a dark blight. It is any wonder they are unhappy? And they do more politics thinking that will make them happier.  It will make them worse. Those kids must self-flagellate and cleanse Australia’s past.

One day Australia will be woke enough and reconciled enough. There will be enough social programs (at this rate in Australia half the populace soon will be on a social program and the other half will be working delivering social programs). Australia’s existence revolves around digging up minerals raw, real estate, foreign students and high immigration Ponzi schemes. Plus coffee shops on each street corner. Have politicians and record numbers of bureaucrats made Australia better?

Do you notice that society now is becoming ever more balkanised? Society is now divided into different identity groups. It is no longer the old left vs right. It is now balkanised on minority status, gender, sex, and race. Take for example gender ideology and gender identity. You are now in a ‘tribe’ because you have that identity. It is an identity and your whole life revolves around that identity. Your minority status such as race now defines you. Gender ideology and gender identity I call a cult. I say it is a cult as a cult does not require a centralised leadership or leader. A cult can control the flow of information, control who you affiliate with, cancel others, endlessly say you are on the right side of history, say that whoever doesn’t agree with it is committing acts of violence upon you, that people will suicide if you do not endorse, praise and affirm it, that you must not speak to others who were once part of it and who are now no longer, that you cancel friendships if people do not go along with it, and all your thoughts must follow the narrative.

Do not get involved in politics.  Politicians will not do anything for you. Politicians and governments are to: mandate, control, distort, lie, manipulate,  promise,  regulate,  license, coerce, sway, threaten, prey upon, and enforce. Political activism polarises society and creates anger and aggravation. Politicians only trick and deceive and try to influence people’s beliefs. Their aim is never to improve your life but to enrich themselves, create problems, and then offer a solution or solutions to those problems. It is a circus of lies with an endless divide-and-conquer strategy. It is not a noble calling at all and politics is never a noble pursuit. Livelihoods are destroyed by it, it always leads to violence and it is always deception on a grand scale.

Politics whether left-wing, right-wing, eco-warriors,  progressivism, feminism and so on is all poison. It is left v right, gender identity vs others, vegan vs carnivores, progressives vs traditionalists and fights on every front. All this destroys your brain, causes you sleepless nights, aggravates you, makes you agitated and destroys your mental health. You will think voting for a party that enforces your beliefs will help or make you feel better. No it will not. All that does is say I now use this political party to enforce my will upon others. Then they get their turn the next time. Rinse and repeat. In the USA society has never been as polarised and divided on multiple fronts. It is divided on everything and anything. Australia is not as heated but it is heating up. Your vote doesn’t matter and don’t think it does. It never did. I was fortunate that I saw politics for what it is and realised it is all a futile exercise just creating endless fights and divisions.