Women Will Speak Where Men Allow Them


“If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”
― C.S. Lewis

The Women WILL Speak (WWS) rally on Saturday 17th August kicked off to an entertaining start (yet again) on a cold and dreary winterish Melbourne afternoon. Unsurprisingly, Transtifa turned up with all their bells and whistles plus a side ordered Palestinian flag relentlessly vying for attention in the background.

The WWS organization is made up of First and possibly, Second Wave feminists, who decided years ago they didn’t need men, children, bras or the kitchen. Feminism shifted the Overton Window when women stormed out of their kitchens to turn society upside down, so they could sit at the decision-making table with men and share in their power. Little did they know their ideas would spiral out of control devolving into what we are seeing today in Transtifa. Talk about creating monsters. Unfortunately, this is to be expected when people desire to live outside of God’s intended paradigm wherein everyone has a place.

The WWS attendance was small, and much as I wished they could have taken up more space, they were relegated to the bottom most corner of Parliament House steps. Unfortunately, their message fell on mostly deaf ears as the louder, more aggressive mob on the other side did everything they could to drown their voices. It was difficult to hear anything if you weren’t paying attention. There was just a lot of noise, shouting and music.

Maybe Transtifa has a method to their madness, but one thing is for sure, they are lost souls who don’t really know much about much. All I know is they make good entertainers, and their music choice is surprisingly, not bad. They even had me dancing to their beats. Interestingly, they had a selection of songs with clearly defined genders whilst holding a number of banners which read things like, “Any body can be any gender,” and “No binaries”. As usual, they didn’t think through their slogans properly as “Dancing Queen” by ABBA blared from their speakers.

Despite what Transtifa says, I refuse to allow them to hijack a classic. Dancing Queen is literally about a girl dancing provocatively on the dance floor looking for a guy. It was meant to be a love song written by two heterosexual men Bjorn Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson in 1975. It is not about a tranny queen gyrating on the dance floor deceiving men. But alas, the circus in which we live is led by clowns who love deconstructing cultural norms and redefining terms to suit their narrative. We’ve heard it all before and hear it time and time again. It’s been written into the education system, political system, entertainment industry and mass media. They are bombarding half-brained, system zombies with their filth, and no one but Jesus can stop them.

Thankfully, there was a strong police presence which managed to keep the feral trans activists at bay, though one was still able to breach police lines, not to mention the fruit and eggs which were hurled across so effortlessly, almost hitting police officers and elderly women, such as myself. It was by divine intervention alone that we didn’t get splattered by eggshells and orange juice. Let’s hope the police have a plan for future rally projectiles, who knows what they’ll throw at the people next. Thanks to a police force dominated by men who all know their place, under their guidance and protection, the WWS attendees and I were able to speak.

“He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”

Matt 11:15

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