Sexual Racism is Bullshit
The goal of any form of totalitarianism is control every aspect of person’s life, to crush their humanity. This extends to who even who they love, the most primal of human instincts. Communist regimes throughout the 20th century believed that expressions of individualism including love and marriage were a threat to new collectivist utopia, this was practiced to the extreme in Pol Pot’s Cambodia where it was taught that loving another was a selfish act, and sexual activity unless sanctioned by the state was forbidden. Love and sexual desire form the basis of the great works of art and culture throughout history, despite these attempts to suppress those human desires.
A more modern example that most people in western countries will recall is the fight for the acceptance of homosexual people. Part of the argument was that these people cannot help who they are attracted to and it is cruel to try and make them repress or try to cure them. Slowly western countries came around this to this way of thinking, so you’d assume that as human race we’d come to the conclusion that trying to control people’s sexuality was wrong?
This was until the recent resurgence of identity politics and intersectionality amongst various social movements by the progressive left and advocates of social justice. This includes the return of politics of race and finding new forms of bigotry with the invention of terms such as inherent racism, subliminal racism and covert racism. These terms have been used because relatively few people have truly racist views, that being defined as people of a particular race believing those of other races are inferior beings and do not deserve the same rights as members of their own race. Given that the new race industry depends on finding new forms racism to keep their raging against white oppression it is not surprising we are in age now were we are only one little comment or action away from being labelled racist and shamed out of polite society.
The quest to try and find new forms of racism to fight has now extended to people’s sexuality with the creation of the term sexual racism. This refers to a person’s lack of sexual desire for people of particular races. It is not considered as a sexual preference, it is claimed you are subtly exercising a distinct form of racism. It would appear that the rules of sexual desire that we all had previously just accepted are now out the window. How is this racism meant to be cured? Will people who practice this form of racism have to undergo electro-shock therapy or some form of hypnosis? Reforming actual racism involves basically changing the views of those who adhere to it, a lot more straightforward than reforming somebody’s attraction.
We would never call a man who is homosexual a sexual misogynist, therefore it is equally absurd to call to person who is more attracted to certain races more than others a sexual racist. One of the key criteria every person has when dating and even falling in love is the physical appearance of the other person. Yes personality is important but it is ridiculous to dismiss sexual attraction as after all sexual arousal important in this most intimate aspect of relationships. For all of the railing against the sin of lust of the years its impact cannot be denied. It’s also true that physical appearance is influenced largely by a person’s race, so that will take part in a person’s decision who to date. It is not attraction based on prejudice, as remember you cannot decide what you are attracted to. This accusation of sexual racism is a direct attack on everybody’s sexual preference and private love life.
It has gotten so ridiculous that now even the very people who were the first to educate society that you can’t decide who you are attracted to, are now the biggest victims of the sexual racism accusers. I talk of homosexual men, well those who are white who are actually vast losing their position on the victim hierarchy and the list of victims constantly grows.
Men in general, it has been scientifically proven, are naturally more sexually adventurous and open to casual sexual encounters, mainly due to testosterone. So when you have men attracted to other men then there is going to be more casual sex and promiscuity or hooking up as it is called. This situation is one which is most likely to bring out the most primal sexual desires that men have. Gay men have many hook up apps which allow these encounters to take place. The sexual preferences that men list on this apps have seized upon by the racism industry advocates to further their claim that racism pervades all aspects of society. Users specifically list that they don’t have a preference for races such as no Asians or Indians or Latinos.
What even more triggers the anti-racism crowd is that these apps use sexual slang as well so these different races might be referred as ‘no rice, no curry, and no spice’ but as if these users really see all people of those races as food types. Even flattering another person on this app because of their race is also racist, thinking that a black person is automatically masculine or that they are really exotic is comparing them to animals. They also have a problem if the phrases ‘no femmes, fatties or oldies’ is used as of course attraction should not matter in their view. If you have to dig through people’s sexual desires to find forms of racism then there’s clearly not as much actual racism to fight.
Sexual desire is not also immune to broader political correctness when a few years ago adult shops in Melbourne were ordered by the Eros Foundation representing the sex industry to take down pornography referring to transwomen as she-males. Our sex lives and activities have nothing to do with how we treat people in daily life, as long as sex is based on consent who cares how a person lives their sex life? Sexual freedom should be a part of the broader freedom movement, and the accusation of sexual racism threatens this freedom. The totalitarian government in the novel 1984 was trying to find a way to remove the orgasm because it threatened their control of the people. My sexual preferences are not for you to remake or reform, they are part of who I am and are none of your business or your broader cultural agenda.