Divine Justice Prevails in the Commie State that is Victoria
“Justice is truth in action.”
― Benjamin Disraeli
Early this week on December 12th, Moira Deeming won her defamation case against John Pesutto, soon-to-be ex-Victorian Liberal leader, or so we hope. In March last year, Moira was expelled from the parliamentary party room because she dared to support women at a rally calling for the protection of women-only spaces. The rally saw various anti-women groups in attendance to counter protest, including Transtifa and Neo-Nazis, both of whom had their own agenda.
John Pesutto took this opportunity to defame Moira, tainting her reputation by labelling her a Nazi to anyone who would listen and calling for her expulsion. Why he chose to run with such a narrative is unbeknownst to many, as he clearly came across as effeminate and unhinged, not to mention arrogant and misogynistic. It almost beggars belief that he disgracefully sought to tear down a democratically elected MP within his own party.
However, a house divided cannot stand and sadly, Pesutto has not only ruined his own reputation, but that of the Liberal Party. Not that they don’t do a good job of that themselves these days. Labor-lite and incredibly embarrassing, he has done them no favours. If the Liberal Party don’t take stock and start cleaning up its act, sifting through those phony conservatives and haters of women, they will forever be losers.
My advice for anyone in that party who considers themself truly Christian and conservative, conserve what is left of your dignity and flee from the increasingly immoral, shady grey, truly Liberal clown show and form a new party, one through which the light of Christ can truly shine. It may not go anywhere, not fast anyway. But it has surely got to beat banging heads with luke-warm, weak-willed, system pets who don’t want to see Australia rise up out of the ashes, but instead want to line their own pockets doing what’s comfortable in their cushy parliamentary roles.
Knowing Moira has been vindicated is immensely encouraging and goes to prove, God’s justice still prevails for the faithful ones. My hope and prayer is that Moira uses this victory as an opportunity to create something new and real, in Christ. She has the support of a great many in the community, strike while the iron is hot, I say. It would be extremely disappointing if she decides to stay with the circus.