75% of Australians Support the Date of Australia Day


Three quarters of the Australian population support keeping Australia Day the same. It’s as iconic as sausage in bread and a cold beer.


It’s coming on to that time of year again. Australia Day.

The time of year when the degenerate dregs of our inner cities and university humanities campuses crawl out from underneath their Australia-hating rocks to march down the street screaming about how much more enlightened they are than the rest of us mouth breathing, red necked, bigoted white trash bogans.

But fortunately due to a recent poll taken by Sydney firm Research Now we can see what a tiny minority those who enjoy their yearly flag burning really are. The results show that 75 per cent of people want Australia Day to stay exactly where it is, on January 26.

75%. Three quarters of the Australian population. That’s huge. Three quarters of the Australian population has trouble agreeing on the colour of the sky, this is as close to unanimity as you can get.

Keep in mind that the refrain of the self-hating faithful this year was that they had already won. That Australia Day was over and that the debate should begin to move from whether the day should be moved to whether it should be abolished altogether. But outside the inner cities of Melbourne and Sydney and a few select hipster habitats in other capital cities the vast majority of Australians see no problem at all with celebrating the day that the Australian experiment officially began.

All over this wonderful country that has been created as a result of that first settlement in 1788 people of all backgrounds will be taking a short break to relax with friends and family, wave a few flags and cook a few snags. Meanwhile in the inner cities the most degenerate freaks our nation is capable of collecting will be having their “Invasion Day” marches to a no doubt impressed audience of journalists.

Even amongst the most recently brainwashed section of our community those aged 18 to 24 a majority of 55 per cent backed Australia Day’s current date. Keep in mind that these young people have just come from a system of education lasting at least 13 years where they would have been instructed by a section of the population who overwhelmingly despise Australia as it currently exists.

Even more impressively out of the remainder who didn’t express whole-hearted support, nearly 40 per cent didn’t have any opinion on the date of Australia Day at all. Only 8% of 18-24 year olds wanted the date moved, which would probably correlate to the percentage currently enrolled in a university humanities course.

So why do these people get so much attention year after year? Why will the news on the night of the 26th be filled with smug, self-righteous faces denouncing their own people? Probably because that section of society most in favour of change and most indoctrinated in the hatred of everything Australian are also some of the most privileged and influential people in our society. It should be cause for pause that even though 75% of the population support the current date I wager it would be impossible to find a single lecturer in a university humanities faculty in the entire country willing to do so publicly. These hotbeds of self-hate produce our future political hacks, social workers, teachers, lawyers and perhaps most importantly journalists.

And as was pointed out back in 2014 by cultural critic Nick Cater:

Which federal electorates do most journalists live in? Sydney (1042), Wentworth (942) and Grandler (784). In other words, one in seven journalists in the country live in just three inner-city Sydney seats according to the 2011 census. Next on the list? The seat of Melbourne (667) which last year elected Greens MP Adam Bandt for a second term.

Nick Cater

The reason why what appears in the news in relation to issues such as Australia Day seems sometimes to come from a different planet to the one most of us live in is because in a certain sense it does. These people all talk only to each other, listen only to each other and socialise only with each other. They are the nobles at Versailles chatting over champagne flutes about this year’s fashions in lace oblivious to us peasants toiling outside to maintain their cosseted existence.

So enjoy your Australia day fellow peasants. Fly your flag high and fire up your BBQ to share some of the bounty made possible by those first brave British settlers of this wide and sometimes harsh land. But despite their minority status don’t ignore the Australia haters screeching their disdain on the news. Point out to your friends and relatives that when they burn our flag what they really want to do is burn people like you. Their dearest wish is to burn away the Australia of today and yesterday, to abolish every memory of it and to start again after pissing in the ashes.

They hate you, they hate our country, they hate our flag, our culture and our history and they want more than anything to see it all destroyed. And despite being a minority, they are a powerful and influential one.

They think their victory is inevitable. I think they’re wrong.

Have a happy Australia Day.

If you enjoyed this article, you may also enjoy my colleague Martin Hartwig’s coverage of the 2019 Brisbane ‘Invasion Day’ march here.

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