The Dystopian Olympics: Rising Popularity of Micro Chip Implants puts Sweden at the top of the Leader Board

Thousands of Swedes have had microchips inserted under the skin of their hands, between the thumb and index finger to substitute for credit and other bank cards, rail cards and other forms of I.D. This makes life so much easier for them, now that they don’t have to reach all the way into their pockets, get their wallets out, select which card they need at the time, depending on where they are, remove the card from the wallet, use the card, insert a possible pin if they are really unlucky, insert the card back into their wallet and put their wallet all the way back into their pocket.
It also waives the possibility of losing these cards, as they will no longer need them, and you cannot misplace something that has been inserted under you skin. However, is this a positive trade off?
Swedish culture has been fascinated with technology. Many great technology companies have come out of Sweden in different forms such as Skype and Spotify along with more infamous ones like The Pirate Bay and uTorrent. Sweden is also a leading contributor to the Transhumanist movement which is centred around using technology to improve human’s biological bodies.
Aside from their technological achievements, Sweden is a country that penalises its citizens for alleged “hate speech” which includes a criticism of Islam. They have set up institutions like “Näthatsgranskaren” which translate to “The Web Hate Investigator.” This institution reported 750 people last year of which 77 were convicted of “enticement to hate.” In other words, a thought crime.
While it is private companies that are facilitating these microchips, we need to remember that the private companies have the same powers of censorship. They are also working with governments to see these people convicted or penalised. We need to ask ourselves the question, what happens when governments start to crack onto this and use it to tighten their control on the average person?
Let’s take this back a bit. In 2009 Visa and Mastercard launched contactless cards Paypass and Paywave. Today you cannot actually get a card that comes without these features. So if you want to pay for something with a card you have no choice but to use a tap and pay card, or cash. This may not seem so bad as the majority of people who like taking the more convenient routes. However, for rest of us that did not want the tap and go feature there was no other choice. The banks stopped sending out cards that excluded the feature forcing us to do otherwise. This could be due to an increase in the money that is spent as it has made spending a lot easier.
While a couple thousand people having these chips out of the many millions that live in Sweden and the west in general is only a tiny percentage, that’s how all these movements start out. As a niche catering to a tiny minority. What we need to think about though is that governments and banks have every reason to make this a bigger and more popular thing.
Sweden’s tech culture will allow this to grow much larger in both in Sweden and in other Nordic countries with similar cultural ties. Once enough people who are highly regarded in society such as actors or businessmen who have extensive media profiles jump on this and make it a trend as capitalism does, then the majority of people will follow.
This video advertisement is a strong example showing this.
What happens when banks abolish credit cards and only allow people to make payments if they have the chip inserted? What happens when they start making excuses as to why these chips will be better off as being permanent rather than temporary? What happens when they start to influence laws?
Twenty years ago, we never would have guessed that people nowadays would be addicted to tiny screens in their hands and while I personally don’t see it as an issue what needs to be considered is that I grew up in a culture that is dominated by screen-based entertainment. Something seen as alien to past generations. As the generation under me gets older and starts to have children they could be growing up in a world where this is seen as the new norm.
An implanted micro chip could allow for governments to track you, like they can already do in real time on your phones through location servicing, they will be able to identify you instantly just by scanning the card.
Some of you might be thinking that this could be used in a positive way to stop crime including identity theft and while that may be true you will also need to ask the question: Should we be giving the government and private corporations that much power?
We have seen governments turn against their people in the past, one doesn’t even have to name examples on this. Instead let’s look at the modern day. South Africa democratically elects their president. The South African Government is currently encouraging the hostile takeover of white South African Farmlands. They have turned against a large section of their population. This is but one example of many governments, not only democracies that are persecuting their people currently.
In a post mandatory microchip implant world if a government wanted to persecute people they would know who they were, where they were, exactly and when theywere trying to leave their country.
Is this the beginning of the “Mark of the Beast.”