New Zealanders To Rally On February 2nd To Call For Exit From UN Migration Pact
Jesse Anderson from NZSovereignty has organised another round of protests against the signing of the UN Migration Pact. These will be held in a number of location around the country, including Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch on Saturday 2nd February at 4pm.
- Aotea Square, Auckland. [Facebook RSVP]
- Corner of Taranaki Street and Courtney Street, Wellington.
- Cathedral Square, Christchurch.
More locations and speakers will be announced soon.
The continued defense given by supporters of the pact is that “it’s not legally binding”, but when that’s the best thing the Migration Pact has going for it, you know it’s a dozy.
This is an odd defense to make, after all, if the compact is non-binding then why sign it at all? Good faith is presumed when entering into an agreement, and our government signalled their agreement with the principles of this pact when they signed it. If Winston or Jacinda disagreed with it, they would either not have signed or they would now withdraw, as dozens of nations have done. Bolsonaro’s Brazil being the latest to pull out even though the previous administration signed it.
As was stated in the advice from Crown Law, after repeating the “non-binding” mantra, the “courts may be willing […] to refer to the Compact and to take the Compact into account as an aid in interpreting immigration legislation.” That’s legalise for the compact being “non-binding” until lawyers and judges want it to be binding.
It was the treasonous deputy prime-minster Winston Peters who always used to say that the problem with non-binding agreements is that they eventually become binding. And that’s what the migration suicide pact is at its most benign: a wishlist. And like every UN wishlist before it, nations are slowly pressured into full implementation.
A press release from NZSovereignty, announcing the latest rallies and promising continued resistance, is reproduced below:
Signing of Migration Compact sparks nation-wide February 2nd protest
Thousands of New Zealanders react to NZ involvement in the UN pact, call the move “treasonous”.
Decembers infamous debate over the UN Global Migration Compact has manifested in over a dozen organised protests scattered across the Nation set for February 2nd 2019, says organiser NZ Sovereignty.
City centers like Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, along with almost a dozen other locations are set to draw thousands of protesters from both sides of the debate, after tensions on social media arose to an all time high regarding the Compact.
Protesters are said to be adopting the Yellow-Vest attire, after the protests in France over fuel taxes and immigration.
“Protesters from all political persuasions have been very active in this discussion” says NZ Sovereignty founder, Jesse Anderson. “This isn’t a partisan issue, rather it’s a Kiwi issue regarding New Zealand’s sovereignty”.
Several speakers from various political parties and groups are set to give speeches on the day, including one from David Moffett, who previously called the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister “traitors” , and warned “We are coming to get you”.
Despite expectations for the discussion to subside over the holidays, nothing could be further from the truth as social media rages with anti UN and nationalist rhetoric.
The official Facebook page and Twitter profile for the protests can be found @Nzsovereignty.
These rallies are a follow up to previous events held at both Aotea Square and also outside the PM’s Mount Albert office.