Malcolm Turnbull Calls Australia A Successful Multicultural Society

After United States President Donald Trump reportedly stated in a meeting with Democrats about US immigration policy that he did not want to take in any more people from “shithole” countries such as Haiti and those from Africa there has been even more hysteria from the mainstream media about how racist Trump is and that he only wants a white America.
Since the comments were reported the Trump Administration has been on the defensive stating that Trump was only expressing his preference to a have a merit based immigration policy as opposed to the current quota based system which includes the problem plagued diversity lottery program.
US Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said a merit based system is based on other western nations including Australia and Canada and challenged the media to dare call them racist “I’m sure that we are not, any of us, suggesting that Canada and Australia and their leaders are racists.”
These comments would have unsettled Malcolm Turnbull who has clashed previously with Trump over the deal to resettle asylum seekers from Nauru and Manus Island to the United States. Turnbull would in no way want to be compared with Trump or labelled a racist.
He would also be sensitive at being accused of racism because of his and his government’s ministers criticism of the Victorian Government’s response to the state’s African Youth Gang Crime Wave.
Today wanting to reaffirm his commitment to cultural diversity and to take a thinly veiled swipe at Trump Turnbull while in Geelong announcing a regional funding package told the media “We are the most successful multicultural society in the world,” adding “We have zero tolerance for racism”.
One would make the point that Victoria’s African gang crisis is an example of multiculturalism not being a success, did he also forget the problems Australia has had with Islamic extremism in our major cities, including lone wolf terror attacks and our security agencies being occupied by Islamic terror investigations?
His comments are further evidence that Turnbull seems more interested at placating the media and cultural class rather than putting the concerns of the wider Australian public front and centre.
Turnbull has long being accused of ignoring the public’s concern about constant immigration to Australia and the policy of multiculturalism and these comments will further entrench these perceptions.