The Unshackled Waves Ep. 79 Australia Day, Traditional Marriage Posters, Bannon’s Exit and Rebel Media’s Week

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On this week’s review show we are joined again by Unshackled Contributor Jacob Watts. We begin by discussing the continuing war Australia Day with two local councils in inner Melbourne voting to cancel their Australia Day festivities and more now looking to follow. This attack on Australian history has now extended to statues and parks named after colonial Australians with leftists feeling empowered by the removal of Confederate statues in the United States.
In the same sex marriage plebiscite debate this week it appeared it was the advocates who were triggered by everything. The took grave offense at traditional marriage posters that were put in Brisbane and Melbourne by nationalist groups. It appears they cannot respond to opposing arguments without crying hate speech. There was a last minute drive by progressive media outlets to get young people to enroll to vote yes before the electoral rolls closed, this showed they aren’t as confident of victory as they have claimed.
We also comment on the direction of the Trump Administration now that Steve Bannon has left the White House as Chief Strategist. Bannon has already rejoined Breitbart and has claimed the Trump Presidency as we know it is over. We analyze Trump’s recent decisions such as keeping US forces in Afghanistan and also his bizarre praise of left wing protestors in Boston who shut down a free speech rally. However we praise his return to form at a rally in Phoenix, Arizona attacking the media but Trump still needs to fulfill all his main election promises including building the wall for his Presidency to be deemed a success in the eyes of voters.
We discuss the horror week Canadian alt-media outlet Rebel Media had, which is home to Mark Latham’s Outsiders. Post their Charlottesville coverage several employees have quit or been fired. What made matters worse is former UK contributor Caolan Robertson accused the Rebel of misappropriating crowdfunding money. The founder and head of Rebel Media Ezra Levant responded by releasing the Rebel’s accounts and it appears that based on Caolan Robertson’s previous media appearances he is a person who was just after fame who used the Rebel as an avenue to achieve that.
Theme Music Super Power Cool Dude by Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
News Discussed
Inner Melbourne Councils Out of Control
More Melbourne Councils Out of Control
The Australian Traditional Nationalist Group Cover Brisbane with Traditional Marriage Posters
Snowflakes Everywhere in the Same Sex Marriage Plebiscite Debate
Progressive Media Outlets Blackout Their Sites to Advocate for Same Sex Marriage
Steve Bannon, Back at Breitbart, Readying for War on Trump – Fortune
Post Charlottesville All Right-Wing Rallies Are Declared Racist
Trump announces new strategy for Afghanistan that calls for a troop increase – Washington Post
Trump’s 2017 Phoenix, Arizona Rally Full Speech Transcript – Time
Video: They want to kill The Rebel. See Ezra’s plan to fight back!
Video: Caolan Robertson – fame hungry attention who*e