
With the pandemic and lockdowns unleashing a new globalist tyranny more people are for a return to ages of greater liberty and human freedom. On this week’s edition of WilmsFront my guest Kiwi Stephen Berry of the Mr Berry Mr Berry show analyze the state of liberty in the Tasman nations and if the ongoing campaign for liberty has gained a greater appreciation one year after the rise of the absolute state.

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Stephen has been a candidate for the New Zealand ACT Party, one of the world’s most successful libertarian parties. The party was founded by the leaders of New Zealand’s revolution from socialism to libertarianism in the 1980s and 90s. The party returned to its glory days after a period in the wilderness in the 2020 general election going from just one seat to ten under leader David Seymour. Seymour in the previous parliament was the sole voice for free speech ad gun rights.


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