craigkelly relaunch

Member of Hughes Craig Kelly in a recent Independent relaunch promotional video has further elaborated on his reasons for resigning the Liberal Party and moving to the crossbench last month. Kelly explains that in good conscience he could not yield to the Morrison Government’s demand to keep quiet on alternative covid treatments Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin on his Facebook page given the overwhelming peer reviewed medical evidence demonstrating the drugs are effective treatment and save lives. Craig Kelly’s Facebook page has the highest engagement of any Australian MP.

Kelly was also dismayed at the Liberal Party’s drift away from support reliable base-load energy and supporting through government mandates and subsides expensive renewables. He believes this will harm Australia’s energy security and standard of living and only benefit the Chinese Communist Party.

Kelly plans to recontest his seat of Hughes in Sydney’s South West Sutherland Area which he has held for the Liberal Party since 2010 as an Independent candidate at the next federal election. There was speculation he would join One Nation or the National Party after his resignation from the Liberal Party.

In recent days Kelly has called on the Morrison Government to adopt the medical precautionary principle and suspended the rollout of the AstraZeneca vaccine as a growing number of nations suspend their rollout of the vaccine over blood clot concerns. This call was echoed by his former Coalition colleague Nationals Senator Matt Canavan.

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