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To discuss the latest on the Victorian state election result and for his own interpretation of it I am joined by the Political Editor of the Unshackled Michael Smyth.

The aftermath of the state election which delivered a landslide victory to Daniel Andrews’ Labor Government has been felt all the way up to Canberra. Moderate Liberal MPs and the media claim the result shows the party has become too conservative and unelectable in progressive Victoria. Opposition Leader Matthew Guy has resigned and their are calls for Liberal state President Michael Kroger to resign.

Federal Parliament was back this week with the Morrison Government now in minority as the Independent Member for Wentworth Kerryn Phelps took her seat and Julia Banks quit the Liberal Party to sit on the crossbench leaving the Government with only 74 of 150 seats on the floor of the House of Representatives. The Government appears to have lost control of the political agenda with a push now to establish a Federal Integrity Commission and refer Peter Dutton to the High Court over eligibility concerns.

The Greens meanwhile attempted to distract from their terrible result by deciding to make a big deal about a supposed sexual remark Nationals Senator Barry O’Sullivan made to Sarah Hanson Young to call out sexism by conservative men. This was also a likely smokescreen to hide the Greens’ own problems with women with multiple allegations of the sexual mistreatment of women within their party being mishandled.

After the Aftermath of the Victorian State Election
Is the Greens’ Senate Stunt a Distraction From Their Own Woman Problems?

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