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Western male fraternity organization the Proud Boys have been involved in another confrontation with Antifa this time in New York City. They were attending a speech by their founder internet television personality Gavin McInnes hosted by the New York Metropolitan Republican Club.

Despite leaving under police escort three Proud Boys were jumped upon by Antifa protestors outside the event, the Proud Boys fought them off and were assisted by their brothers.

The mainstream media headlines after the confrontation were that “skinheads” and “white nationalists” were involved in a “brutal beating” and “hate crime” against peaceful protesters there to condemn racists and Nazis. New York’s local politicians have condemned the Proud Boys and demanded a proper investigation by NYPD.

To find out how the confrontation really unfolded we spoke to an eyewitness Proud Boy Joe. He gives us some background about the event including the content of Gavin’s talk. He also debunks the misinformation being put out about the Proud Boys in the aftermath.

The Proud Boys have no regrets about their reaction and methods of self defence and have actually experienced an uptick in membership as a result. They are not deterred my media smears, Antifa threats and condemnation from leftist politicians.

The Truth About the Proud Boys vs Antifa
Cameraphone Footage
CCTV Footage
Gavin McInnes Responds To NYC Antifa Attacks

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