TTT 54 2021 Reset
Many are looking forward to the end of 2020 but what will 2021 bring? Will there be a great reset? Or can we get the old normal back? Tim and Dieuwe discuss the summer corona break new news on this week’s Trad Tasman Talk.
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Health Minister volunteers to have public COVID-19 vaccination – 3AW
Where’s the ADF? Defence force yet to arrive at Victoria’s quarantine hotels – 3AW
If Labour says climate change is an emergency, how do they explain this? – Kiwi Blog
NZ in a ‘child poverty emergency’ – Children’s Commissioner – RNZ
Green Party is refusing to support Government’s new top tax rate legislation – NewstalkZB
Untested war crime allegations let China attack us: Liberal MP Hastie – The Age
Minor illicit drug possession could be effectively decriminalised in NSW policy change – 7News Australia
The Pacific islands which are growing, despite sea level rise – Stuff
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