
It’s the final show, not only of the year but forever. We’ll talk about the past and the future in this panel show. Join Tim and Dieuwe, who will be joined by Mr Berry and Origen for the last Trad Tasman Talk.

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In the final health report, Health NZ is taking a newborn baby’s parents to court who needs urgent heart surgery because they do not want blood used during the operation that comes from someone who has received a covid vaccine. 33,000 NSW residents have had their covid fines quashed after the state’s Supreme Court ruled NSW Police did not write a valid enough reason for finding them under the state’s Fines Act. The WHO will rename monkeypox MPOX.

Graham Philip has become the first New Zealander to be convicted of sabotage for the damage he caused to electricity infrastructure as he wanted to dismantle the power grid as a way to break covid brainwashing upon the populace. He was sentenced to 3 years and 1 month in prison. In 2021 a Melbourne man was sentenced to 11 months in prison for setting fire to a 5G tower. A Tauranga District Court Judge has ruled that the arson of a local LGBT center was “not a hate crime” because the two men who set fire to are mentally ill.

NZ’s next general election is due in the second half of 2023. Recent polling shows National and ACT could put together a Coalition Government. But the resurgence of NZ First with Winston Peters opposing Jacinda Ardern’s three waters and co-governance proposals could see his party return with the balance of power.

Counting by the Victorian Electoral Commission in the November 26 state election is going as slow as in Maricopa County. The Dan Andrews Labor Government will again have a large majority in the lower house and likely a workable progressive majority in the Upper House for their third term in power.

In the final sitting week of Federal Parliament for the year, the Albanese Government established its National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) and passed its multi-employer bargaining legislation. Former Prime Minister Scott Morrison was censured by the House of Representatives over his secret ministries during his last term in office. Australia’s inflation rate for the year ending October is 6.9% down from 7.3% in September. States will demand royalty revenue compensation if Anthony Albanese caps coal prices to reduce energy bills.

33,000 Covid Fines QUASHED In NSW – XYZ
Parents refusing vaccinated blood for baby’s surgery appear in court – 1News
ABC Victoria Votes
What Will 4 More Years of Dan Bring? – TU
Arsonists who torched Tauranga Rainbow Youth and Gender Dynamix building sentenced – NZ Herald
Graham Philip: A true believer who planned in public – Stuff
Jail for 5G conspiracist who set fire to Mt Eliza 5G tower – Herald Sun
The monthly CPI indicator rose 6.9 per cent in the 12 months to October 2022 – ABS
States abandon federal government to face the energy crisis alone – SMH

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